22 Great Hymns from St. Paul’s
22 Great Hymns from St. Paul’s (14 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, June 08, 2010

22 Great Hymns from St. Paul’s 14 years old


Maurice Bevan This album released 4 years after his death. He was 119 years old when he died.
Malcolm Archer When album released, He was 58, now 73 years old
Jeremiah Clarke This album released 302 years after his death. He was 33 years old when he died.
Hubert Parry This album released 91 years after his death. He was 70 years old when he died.
Samuel Sebastian Wesley This album released 134 years after his death. He was 65 years old when he died.
John Stainer This album released 109 years after his death. He was 60 years old when he died.
John Goss This album released 130 years after his death. He was 79 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Ye holy angels bright by John DarwallSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:55
2 Cross of Jesus by John StainerSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:10
3 Praise my soul the king of heaven by John GossSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:56
4 O strength and stay by John Bacchus DykesSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:36
5 For all the Saints by Ralph Vaughan WilliamsSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 05:47
6 Come down O love divine by Ralph Vaughan WilliamsSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:22
7 All my hope by Hubert ParrySt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:28
8 O king enthroned on high by John Dykes BowerSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 01:30
9 The Lord's my shepherd by David GrantSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:06
10 Immortal love for ever full by Jeremiah ClarkeSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:58
11 O praise ye the Lord by Hubert ParrySt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:48
12 There's a wideness in God's mercy by Maurice BevanSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:45
13 Sing to him in whom creation by Christopher DearnleySt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:22
14 Christ be the Lord of all our days by John ScottSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:49
15 King of Glory, king of peace by Malcolm ArcherSt. Paul's Cathedral Choir Duration: 02:22
16 Christ triumphant, ever reigning by John BarnardSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:32
17 Jesus where'er thy people meet by George CooperSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:31
18 Give me the wings of faith by Derek WilliamsSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:32
19 The day thou gavest by Clement Cotterill ScholefieldSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:03
20 Dear Lord and Father of mankind by Hubert ParrySt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:36
21 O thou who camest from above by Samuel Sebastian WesleySt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 02:40
22 Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour by George C MartinSt. Paul's Cathedral ChoirMalcolm Archer Duration: 03:17