Baroque Opera
Baroque Opera (12 years)


  • Release day: Monday, December 03, 2012

Baroque Opera 12 years old


Lynne Dawson When album released, She was 56, now 68 years old
Guillemette Laurens When album released, She was 62, now 75 years old
Derek Lee Ragin When album released, He was 54, now 66 years old
Dorothea Röschmann When album released, She was 45, now 57 years old
Miah Persson When album released, She was 43, now 56 years old
Bejun Mehta When album released, He was 44, now 56 years old
Alfred Deller This album released 33 years after his death. He was 67 years old when he died.
Bernarda Fink When album released, She was 57, now 69 years old
Vivica Genaux When album released, She was 43, now 55 years old
Jennifer Larmore When album released, She was 54, now 66 years old
Maurice Bevan This album released 6 years after his death. He was 119 years old when he died.
Howard Crook When album released, He was 65, now 77 years old
Claudio Monteverdi This album released 369 years after his death. He was 76 years old when he died.
Carl Heinrich Graun This album released 253 years after his death. He was 55 years old when he died.
Geminiano Giacomelli This album released 272 years after his death. He was 47 years old when he died.
Georg Philipp Telemann This album released 245 years after his death. He was 86 years old when he died.
Antoine Dauvergne This album released 215 years after his death. He was 83 years old when he died.
Reinhard Keiser This album released 273 years after his death. He was 65 years old when he died.
René Jacobs When album released, He was 66, now 78 years old
Renae Jacobs When album released, She was 55, now 68 years old
Riccardo Broschi This album released 256 years after his death. He was 58 years old when he died.
Philippe Herreweghe When album released, He was 65, now 77 years old
Alessandro Scarlatti This album released 287 years after his death. He was 65 years old when he died.
Andreas Scholl When album released, He was 45, now 57 years old
Francesco Cavalli This album released 336 years after his death. He was 73 years old when he died.
Nicholas McGegan When album released, He was 62, now 75 years old
Chiara Banchini When album released, She was 66, now 78 years old
Christoph Prégardien When album released, He was 56, now 69 years old
Nicolas Rivenq When album released, He was 54, now 66 years old
Roman Trekel When album released, He was 49, now 62 years old
# Song Play
1 L'Orfeo, SV 318, Prologo: Toccata by Claudio Monteverdi, René Jacobs, Concerto Vocale Duration: 01:46
2 L'Orfeo: Prologue: Ritornello - La Musica : "Dal mio Permesso amato" by Claudio Monteverdi, Efrat Ben Nun, René Jacobs, Concerto Vocale Duration: 04:01
3 Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria: ACT V, Scene 10, "Illustratevi, o Cieli" (Penelope) by Claudio Monteverdi, René Jacobs, Bernarda Fink, Christoph Prégardien, Concerto Vocale Duration: 03:59
4 L'incoronazione di Poppea: Acte III, scène 7. Ottavia: "Addio Roma" by Claudio Monteverdi, Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs, Jennifer Larmore Duration: 04:24
5 La Calisto: Act I, scene 2: Calisto : "Piante ombrose" & "In ricovro più ombroso" by Francesco Cavalli, Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs, Maria Bayo Duration: 05:38
6 Dido & Aeneas: Act III, Dido "Thy hand, Belinda" by Henry Purcell, Lynne Dawson, René Jacobs, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Duration: 00:52
7 Dido & Aeneas, Z. 626: Act III, "When I am laid in earth" (Dido's lament) by Henry Purcell, Lynne Dawson, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, René Jacobs Duration: 04:09
8 King Arthur: Act III, scene 2: Cold Song. Genius : "What Power art thou" by Henry Purcell, Maurice Bevan, Alfred Deller, The King’s Musick Duration: 03:34
9 Armide: Prologue: Ouverture by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, La Chapelle Royale Duration: 02:31
10 Armide, Act II, Scene 5: "Enfin, il est en ma puissance" (Armide) by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, Guillemette Laurens, La Chapelle Royale Duration: 05:22
11 Armide: Act II, Scene 3: Prélude. Renaud : "Plus j'observe ces lieux" by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, Howard Crook, La Chapelle Royale Duration: 05:26
12 Griselda: Act II, scene 1: Griselda : "Mi rivedi, o selva ombrosa" by Alessandro Scarlatti, Dorothea Röschmann, René Jacobs, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Duration: 04:52
13 Idaspe: Aria "Qual guerriero in campoarmato" by Riccardo Broschi, Vivica Genaux, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs Duration: 08:08
14 Flavio: Acte II, scène 6 by George Frideric Handel, Chiara Banchini, Derek Lee Ragin, Ensemble 415, René Jacobs Duration: 05:34
15 Serse: Aria "Ombra mai fù" (Atto I, scena 1) by George Frideric Handel, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Andreas Scholl Duration: 03:06
16 Agrippina: Act II, scenes 11 & 12: Poppea : "Col peso del tuo amor" / Nerone : "Quando invita la donna l'amante" by George Frideric Handel, Sunhae Im, Jennifer Rivera, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs Duration: 07:52
17 Merope: "Quell'usignolo" by Geminiano Giacomelli, Vivica Genaux, René Jacobs, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Duration: 14:07
1 Orpheus: Act I, scene 1: Recit. & Aria Orasia : "Sù, mio core à la vendetta" by Georg Philipp Telemann, Dorothea Röschmann, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs Duration: 03:31
2 Orpheus: Act II, scene 3 & Act I, scene 10: Orpheus : "Trà speranza, e trà timore" / Orasia : "So hat die Rache denn gesieget" by Georg Philipp Telemann, Roman Trekel, Dorothea Röschmann, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs Duration: 07:00
3 Cleopatra e Cesare: Act I, scene 8: Cleopatra : "Tra le procelle assorto" by Carl Heinrich Graun, Janet Williams, René Jacobs, Concerto Köln Duration: 07:56
4 Croesus: Atto II, scena 8. Aria Elmira : "Liebe, sag', was fängst du an?" by Reinhard Keiser, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs, Dorothea Röschmann Duration: 04:58
5 Ottone, HWV 15: Act 2. Aria: Vieni, o figlio by George Frideric Handel, Freiburger Barockorchester, Nicholas McGegan Duration: 06:51
6 Rinaldo: Act I, scene 5: Armida : "Furie terribili" by George Frideric Handel, Inga Kalna, René Jacobs, Freiburger Barockorchester Duration: 02:27
7 Rinaldo: Act II, scene 4: Almirena : "Lascia ch'io pianga" by George Frideric Handel, Miah Persson, René Jacobs, Freiburger Barockorchester Duration: 06:13
8 Tolomeo, re d'Egitto (1728): Aria Stille amare (III, 6) by George Frideric Handel, Bejun Mehta, Freiburger Barockorchester, René Jacobs Duration: 05:32
9 Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: *VIII. Act II, Scene ix, Aria "Nò! non basta a un infedele" (Amarilli) by George Frideric Handel, Lucy Crowe, David Bates Duration: 04:03
10 Sosarme, HWV 30: Act II, Duetto, "Per le porte del tormento" by George Frideric Handel, Bejun Mehta, Rosemary Joshua, René Jacobs Duration: 09:38
11 Les Troqueurs: Lubin. Air "Margot morbleu est par trop joyeuse" by Antoine Dauvergne, Nicolas Rivenq, Cappella Coloniensis, Jean-Joseph Vadé, William Christie Duration: 03:44
12 Orfeo ed Euridice: "Act III, Scene 1, Orfeo: Che farò senza Euridice? " by Christoph Willibald Gluck, René Jacobs, Freiburger Barockorchester, RIAS Kammerchor Duration: 04:28