Roger Soyer
When album released, He
was 70,
now 85 years old
Marilyn Horne
When album released, She
was 75,
now 91 years old
Nicolai Gedda
This album released 7
years after his
death. He
was 91 years old
when he died.
La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Le vieil hiver a fait place au printemps" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:14
La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Les bergers laissent leurs troupeaux" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:22
La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Marche hongroise" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:12
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Sans regrets j'ai quitté les riantes campagnes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:26
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Christ vient de ressusciter!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 06:18
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Hélas! Doux chants du ciel" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 06:00
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Certain rat, dans une cuisine" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:36
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Une puce gentille" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:15
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Voici des roses" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:10
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Dors, dors, heureux Faust" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:00
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Ballet des sylphes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:30
La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Marguerite! Qu'ai-je vu!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:08
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Merci, doux crépuscule!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:59
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Je l'entends!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:28
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Autrefois un roi de Thulé" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:30
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, Esprits des flammes inconstantes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:57
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Maintenant, chantons" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 01:55
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Devant la maison" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:06
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Grand Dieu! Que vois-je!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:58
La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Allons, il est trop tard!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:45
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "D'amour l'ardente flamme" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:49
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Au son des trompettes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:06
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Nature immense, impénétrable et fière" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:09
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "À la voûte azurée" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:11
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Dans mon cœur retentit sa voix" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:37
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Has! Irimiru Karabrao!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:04
La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Laus! Laus! Hosanna!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:41