Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust
Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust (15 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust 15 years old


Roger Soyer When album released, He was 70, now 85 years old
Marilyn Horne When album released, She was 75, now 91 years old
Nicolai Gedda This album released 7 years after his death. He was 91 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Le vieil hiver a fait place au printemps" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:14
2 La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Les bergers laissent leurs troupeaux" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:22
3 La Damnation de Faust: Part I, "Marche hongroise" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:12
4 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Sans regrets j'ai quitté les riantes campagnes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:26
5 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Christ vient de ressusciter!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 06:18
6 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Hélas! Doux chants du ciel" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 06:00
7 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Certain rat, dans une cuisine" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:36
8 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Une puce gentille" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:15
9 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Voici des roses" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:10
10 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Dors, dors, heureux Faust" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:00
11 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Ballet des sylphes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:30
12 La Damnation de Faust: Part II, "Marguerite! Qu'ai-je vu!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:08
1 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Merci, doux crépuscule!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:59
2 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Je l'entends!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:28
3 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Autrefois un roi de Thulé" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:30
4 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, Esprits des flammes inconstantes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:57
5 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Maintenant, chantons" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 01:55
6 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Devant la maison" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:06
7 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Grand Dieu! Que vois-je!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:58
8 La Damnation de Faust: Part III, "Allons, il est trop tard!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:45
9 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "D'amour l'ardente flamme" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 07:49
10 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Au son des trompettes" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 02:06
11 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Nature immense, impénétrable et fière" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 04:09
12 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "À la voûte azurée" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:11
13 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Dans mon cœur retentit sa voix" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 03:37
14 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Has! Irimiru Karabrao!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:04
15 La Damnation de Faust: Part IV, "Laus! Laus! Hosanna!" by Nicolai Gedda, Marilyn Horne, Roger Soyer, Dimiter Petkov, Orchestra of the Rome Opera, Chorus of the Rome Opera Duration: 05:41