Berlioz: La damnation de Faust
Berlioz: La damnation de Faust (23 years)


  • Release day: Monday, April 09, 2001

Berlioz: La damnation de Faust 23 years old


Giuseppe Sabbatini When album released, He was 43, now 67 years old
David Wilson-Johnson When album released, He was 50, now 74 years old
Michele Pertusi When album released, He was 36, now 60 years old
# Song Play
1 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 1: "La vieil hiver" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 06:27
2 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 2/3a: "Les bergers quittent ... Mais d'un éclat guerrier" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 04:21
3 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 3b: Hungarian March by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin Davis Duration: 05:07
4 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 4a: "Sans regrets j'ai quitté les riantes campagnes" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:19
5 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene: "Christ vient de ressusciter!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:55
6 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene: "Hélas! Doux chants du ciel" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 01:14
7 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 5: "O pure émotion!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 02:20
8 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6a: "A boire encor!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 02:37
9 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6b: "Certain rat, dans une cuisine" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 02:10
10 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6c: "Amen" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 01:20
11 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6d: "Vrai dieu! messieurs" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 01:22
12 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6e: "Une puce gentille" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 01:29
13 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 6f: "Assez! Fuyons ces lieux" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 02:14
14 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 7a: "Voici des roses" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 02:34
15 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 7b: "Dors! Heureux Faust" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 06:40
16 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 7c: Dance of the Sylphs by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin Davis Duration: 02:23
17 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 7d: "Margarita!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 01:12
18 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 8: "Villes entourées ... Jam nox stellata velamina pandit" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:05
1 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 9a: Prélude by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin Davis Duration: 01:19
2 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 9b: "Merci, doux crépuscule!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 04:58
3 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 10: "Je l'entends!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 01:13
4 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 11a: "Que l'air est étouffant!" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 03:15
5 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 11b: "Autrefois un roi de Thulé" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:58
6 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 12a: "Esprits des flammes inconstantes" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 02:06
7 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 12b: Minuet of the Will-o'-the-Wisps by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin Davis Duration: 05:46
8 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 12c: "Maintenant chantons a cette belle ... Devant la maison ... Finale" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 02:38
9 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 13: "Grand Dieu! ... Ange adoré" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 05:24
10 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 14: "Allons, il est trop tard! ... Je connais donc enfin" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraLondon Symphony ChorusSir Colin Davis Duration: 04:52
11 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 15a: "D'amour l'ardente flamme" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 08:16
12 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 15b: "Au son des trompettes" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 02:30
13 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 16: "Nature immense" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:09
14 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 17: "A la voûte azurée" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 03:28
15 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 18: "Dans mon coeur retentit sa voix" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 03:46
16 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Scene 19: "Has! Irimiru Karabrao! ... Tradioun Marexil" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 04:23
17 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Epilogue a: "Alors, l'enfer se tut" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 01:29
18 La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H 111, Epilogue b: "Laus! Hosanna! ... Remonte au ciel, âme naïve" by Hector BerliozLondon Symphony OrchestraSir Colin DavisLondon Symphony Chorus Duration: 05:45