BrOTHERHOOD The Original Score
BrOTHERHOOD The Original Score (7 years)


  • Release day: Monday, January 16, 2017

BrOTHERHOOD The Original Score 7 years old


Tom Lundén When album released, He was 66, now 74 years old
# Song Play
1 10 YeARS AgO by Tom Linden Duration: 00:35
2 FoR SaM PeEL by Tom Linden Duration: 00:40
3 OnE DaY ShE'LL HaVE To KnOW by Tom Linden Duration: 00:28
4 WhO SeNT YoU HeRE by Tom Linden Duration: 02:46
5 PeNNINGTON HoUSE by Tom Linden Duration: 00:32
6 I DrOVE ThE BoYS by Tom Linden Duration: 00:58
7 I'lL MaKE ThE MaDNESS StOP by Tom Linden Duration: 04:32
8 HoW'S YoUR DaY BeEN by Tom Linden Duration: 00:51
9 GiVE Me A HuG by Tom Linden Duration: 01:29
10 WhO'S GoNNA PrOTECT Us FrOM YoU? by Tom Linden Duration: 01:45
11 ReADY To TaKE OvER by Tom Linden Duration: 01:57
12 DoN'T YoU DaRE by Tom Linden Duration: 02:42
13 I WaNT YoU To HaNDLE It by Tom Linden Duration: 00:26
14 WhEN It'S DoNE by Tom Linden Duration: 00:51
15 StEP Up by Tom Linden Duration: 00:43
16 WhO Is ShE by Tom Linden Duration: 00:38
17 We'VE GoT a SiTUATION by Tom Linden Duration: 00:51
18 ThE OnLY WaY by Tom Linden Duration: 00:59
19 StAY AwAY FrOM My FaMILY by Tom Linden Duration: 00:46
20 Be GoOD by Tom Linden Duration: 00:39
21 ThE ArRIVAL by Tom Linden Duration: 01:45