Dvořák: Tenor Arias
Dvořák: Tenor Arias (32 years)


  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1993

Dvořák: Tenor Arias 32 years old


Magdaléna Hajóssyová When album released, She was 46, now 78 years old
# Song Play
1 The King and the Charcoal Burner, B. 21: Go, I Am Not Envious of Your Bliss - Oh, How My Soul for You, Lidka (Jeník) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 04:23
2 The Stubborn Lovers, Op. 17, B. 46: If Only the Old Fellow Would Get on and Marry Lenka (Toník) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 02:10
3 The Cunning Peasant, Op. 37, B. 67: Oh Weel, Your Daughter´s Not the Only One Around (Václav) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 01:51
4 Vanda, Op. 25, B. 97: Oh, Vanda, Remember Your Youth (Slavoj) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 02:31
5 The Spectre's Bride, Op. 69, B. 135: Duetto. Fine Night and Clear in Times like This by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Magdaléna Hajóssyová, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 05:15
6 Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, B .144: A Husbandman. Festoon with Flowers Gay the Statue of Great Vesna (Rolník) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 02:01
7 The Jacobin, Op. 84, B. 159: Know You the Man Concerned? (Jiří, Terinka, Purkrabí) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Jiřina Marková, Luděk Vele, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Kühn Mixed Choir, Zdeněk Košler, Pavel Kühn Duration: 03:48
8 The Devil and Kate, Op. 112, B. 201: Brothers, I Must Go, I Must Go - Poor Shepherd, I (Jirka) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Kühn Mixed Choir, Zdeněk Košler, Pavel Kühn Duration: 06:23
9 Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, B. 144: Gaily We Pass through Field and through Forest - Oh, What a Sight There in the Shadows (Bořivoj) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Kühn Mixed Choir, Zdeněk Košler, Pavel Kühn Duration: 05:59
10 Dimitrij, Op. 64, B. 127: I Saw Her With My Own Eyes, I Caught Sight If Ksenia (Dimitrij) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 07:51
11 Armida, Op. 115, B. 206: Sám v poušti sám - Na tváři své polibky její cítím (Rinald) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler Duration: 10:21
12 Rusalka, Op. 114, B. 203: Finale. Cease Your Hunting - Oh Vision of Wonder and Beauty - I Know You Spell Enchantment (Princ, Vodník) by Antonín Dvořák, Miroslav Kopp, Luděk Vele, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Kühn Mixed Choir, Zdeněk Košler, Pavel Kühn Duration: 08:53