Easter Joy
Easter Joy (16 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Easter Joy 16 years old


Marcus Ullmann When album released, He was 42, now 58 years old
Ian Ball When album released, He was 33, now 49 years old
Graham Kendrick When album released, He was 58, now 74 years old
Stuart Townend When album released, He was 46, now 62 years old
Daniel Moult When album released, He was 36, now 52 years old
George Bennard This album released 50 years after his death. He was 85 years old when he died.
Jeremiah Clarke This album released 301 years after his death. He was 33 years old when he died.
Hubert Parry This album released 90 years after his death. He was 70 years old when he died.
William Henry Monk This album released 119 years after his death. He was 66 years old when he died.
Robert Lowry This album released 99 years after his death. He was 80 years old when he died.
David Briggs This album released 13 years after his death. He was 51 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Jesus Christ is Risen Today by Charles Wesley Lyra DavidicaThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 02:32
2 Christ Arose! (Low in the Grave He Lay) by Robert LowryThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 02:55
3 The Power of the Cross (Oh to See the Dawn) by Keith GettyStuart TownendSaint Michael's Singers at Coventry Cathedral Duration: 04:48
4 The Day of Resurrection! by AnonymousGloucester Cathedral ChoirIan BallDavid Briggs Duration: 02:15
5 Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven by Arthur SullivanSheffield Cathedral ChoirPeter HeginbothamNeil Taylor Duration: 02:57
6 This Joyful Eastertide by Charles WoodManchester Cathedral ChoirJeffrey MakinsonChristopher Stokes Duration: 02:36
7 Jesus Lives! by Christian F. GellerTr. Frances E. CoxThe Choir Of Selwyn College, CambridgeTimothy MorganSarah MacDonald Duration: 02:27
8 Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem by Job UptonSt Edmundsbury Cathedral ChoirMichael BawtreeJames Thomas Duration: 03:16
9 The Strife is O'er, The Battle Done by William Henry MonkTruro Cathedral ChoirChristopher GrayAndrew Nethsingha Duration: 02:46
10 Praise to the Holiest in the Height by John Bacchus DykesNorwich Cathedral ChoirSimon JohnsonNeil Taylor Duration: 03:46
11 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross by AnonymousTruro Cathedral ChoirSimon MorleyAndrew Nethsingha Duration: 03:04
12 Christ the Lord is Risen Again by AnonymousSt Edmundsbury Cathedral ChoirMichael BawtreeJames Thomas Duration: 03:09
13 Shine, Jesus Shine (Lord, The Light of Your Love is Shining) by Graham KendrickSaint Michael's Singers at Coventry CathedralDaniel MoultPaul Leddington-Wright Duration: 03:44
14 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward PerronetCollegiate Church of St Mary Warwick ChoirChristopher MonksChristopher Betts Duration: 03:46
15 The Head That Once Was Crowned by Jeremiah ClarkeThomas KellyNorwich Cathedral ChoirSimon JohnsonNeil Taylor Duration: 02:28
16 Thine Be the Glory by Edmund BudryThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 03:13
17 O Praise Ye the Lord! by Hubert ParryHenry Williams BakerTruro Cathedral ChoirSimon MorleyAndrew Nethsingha Duration: 02:56
1 He Lives! (I Serve a Risen Saviour) by Alfred H. AckleyThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 04:48
2 Easter Oratorio, BWV 249 by Gächinger Kantorei StuttgartBack-Collegium StuttgartHelmuth Rilling Duration: 04:03
3 Because He Lives by William J. GaitherGloria GaitherThe Mornign Gate Orchestra Duration: 03:44
4 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story by TraditionalGeoff HaynesIan Gill Duration: 04:32
5 Amazing Grace! by TraditionalThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 05:57
6 Cantata, BWV 174 - "I Love the Lord With All My Heart" by Johann Sebastian BachThe Bach-EnsembleHelmuth Rilling Duration: 06:28
7 I Love to Tell the Story by TraditionalThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 05:26
8 Crown Him With Many Crowns by George ElveyMatthew BridgesJeff LippencottThe Morning Gate Orchestra Duration: 03:06
9 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by TraditionalThe City of Prague Symphony Orchestra Duration: 03:10
10 O Sacred Head Once Wounded by TraditionalGeoff HaynesIan Gill Duration: 03:49
11 Cantata, BWV 42 - "That Sabbath Evening" by Johann Sebastian BachBach-Collegium StuttgartHelmuth Rilling Duration: 06:14
12 The Old Rugged Cross by George BennardThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 06:03
13 Praise to the Lord, The Almighty by TraditionalThe City of Prague Symphony Orchestra Duration: 03:33
14 Cantata, BWV 31 - "The Heavens Laugh" by Johann Sebastian BachThe Bach-EnsembleHelmuth Rilling Duration: 02:57
15 Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine by TraditionalThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 04:06
16 To God Be The Glory by TraditionalThe Eden Symphony Orchestra Duration: 04:09
1 Behold the Lamb of God by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 02:18
2 He Was Despised and Rejected of Men by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 09:52
3 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 01:59
4 And With His Stripes We Are Healed by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 01:36
5 All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 03:43
6 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 01:42
7 Lift Up Your Heads by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 02:57
8 How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 01:49
9 Hallelujah! by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 04:16
10 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 04:48
11 Since By Man Came Death by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 01:55
12 Behold I Tell You a Mystery by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 00:39
13 The Trumpet Shall Sound by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 08:44
14 Worthy is the Lamb/Amen by Johann Sebastian BachOregon Bach Festival ChoirThe Oregon Bach Festival OrchestraHelmuth Rilling Duration: 06:39
15 Gloria in Excelsis Deo, RV165 by Antonio VivaldiChrist Church Cathedral ChoirOxford & HanoverStephen Darlington Duration: 02:27
16 Exsultate, Jubilate, KV165 by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDonna BrownClaudia SchubertMarcus UllmannKlaus HagerGächinger Kantorei StuttgartBach-Collegium StuttgartHelmuth Rilling Duration: 04:41
17 Alleluia, KV165 by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDonna BrownClaudia SchubertMarcus UllmannKlaus HagerGächinger Kantorei StuttgartBach-Collegium StuttgartHelmuth Rilling Duration: 02:40