Michael Chance
When album released, He
was 40,
now 69 years old
Mark Padmore
When album released, He
was 34,
now 64 years old
Michael Chant
When album released, He
was 50,
now 80 years old
George Frideric Handel
This album released 236
years after his
death. He
was 74 years old
when he died.
Nancy Argenta
When album released, She
was 38,
now 68 years old
Tom Randle
When album released, He
was 36,
now 66 years old
Esther, HWV 50a: Overture by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 07:00
Esther, HWV 50a: Tis Greater Far to Spare (Recitative - Habdonah, Haman) by George Frideric Handel, Simon Berridge, Michael George, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:38
Esther, HWV 50a: Pluck Root and Branch From Out the Land (Aria - Haman) by George Frideric Handel, Michael George, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:56
Esther, HWV 50a: Our Souls With Ardour Glow (Recitative - Persian Officer) by George Frideric Handel, Matthew Vine, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:08
Esther, HWV 50a: Shall We God of Israel Fear (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 01:38
Esther, HWV 50a: Now Persecution Shall Lay By Her Iron Rod (Recitative - First Israelite) by George Frideric Handel, Mark Padmore, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:17
Esther, HWV 50a: Tune Your Harps to Cheerful Strains (Aria - First Israelite) by George Frideric Handel, Mark Padmore, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 03:53
Esther, HWV 50a: Shall We of Servitude Complain, I (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 01:20
Esther, HWV 50a: Praise the Lord With Cheerful Noise (Aria - Israelite Woman) by George Frideric Handel, Nancy Argenta, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 05:35
Esther, HWV 50a: O God, Who From the Suckling's Mouth (Recitative - Israelite Woman) by George Frideric Handel, Nancy Argenta, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:20
Esther, HWV 50a: Sing Songs of Praise, Bow Down the Knee (Aria - Second Israelite) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 03:33
Esther, HWV 50a: Shall We of Servitude Complain, II (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 01:17
Esther, HWV 50a: How Have Our Sins Provoked the Lord (Recitative - Priest of the Israelites) by George Frideric Handel, Michael Chance, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:00
Esther, HWV 50a: Ye Sons of Israel Mourn, I (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 02:01
Esther, HWV 50a: O Jordan, Jordan, Sacred Tide (Aria - Priest of the Israelites) by George Frideric Handel, Michael Chance, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 06:48
Esther, HWV 50a: Ye Sons of Israel Mourn, II (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 02:10
Oboe Sonata in G Minor, HWV 404: Andante by George Frideric Handel, Anthony Robson, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 02:20
Oboe Sonata in G Minor, HWV 404: Allegro, I by George Frideric Handel, Anthony Robson, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:49
Oboe Sonata in G Minor, HWV 404: Adagio by George Frideric Handel, Anthony Robson, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:08
Oboe Sonata in G Minor, HWV 404: Allegro, II by George Frideric Handel, Anthony Robson, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 02:28
Esther, HWV 50a: Why Sits That Sorrow on They Brow? (Recitative - Esther, Mordecai) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Mark Padmore, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:58
Esther, HWV 50a: Dread Not, Righteous Queen, the Danger (Aria - Mordecai) by George Frideric Handel, Mark Padmore, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 04:10
Esther, HWV 50a: I Go Before the King to Stand (Recitative - Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:15
Esther, HWV 50a: Tears Assist Me, Pity Moving (Aria - Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 02:59
Esther, HWV 50a: Save Us, O Lord (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 00:58
Esther, HWV 50a: Who Dares Intrude into Our Presence (Recitative - Ahasuerus, Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Lynda Russell, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:16
Esther, HWV 50a: Who Calls My Parting Soul From Death? (Duet - Esther, Ahasuerus) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 02:30
Esther, HWV 50a: O Beauteous Queen, Unclose Those Eyes! (Aria - Ahasuerus) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 06:43
Esther, HWV 50a: If I Find Favour in Thy Sight (Recitative - Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:20
Esther, HWV 50a: How Can I Stay When Love Invites? (Aria - Ahasuerus) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 03:21
Esther, HWV 50a: With Inward Joy His Visage Glows (Recitative - Third Israelite, Fourth Israelite) by George Frideric Handel, Simon Berridge, Matthew Vine, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:18
Esther, HWV 50a: Virtue, Truth and Innocence (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 02:39
Esther, HWV 50a: Jehovah, Crow'nd With Glory Bright (Arioso - Priest of the Israelites) by George Frideric Handel, Michael Chance, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:33
Esther, HWV 50a: He Comes, He Comes To End Our Woes (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 04:00
Esther, HWV 50a: Now, O Queen, Thy Suit Declare (Recitative - Ahasuerus, Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 01:27
Esther, HWV 50a: Turn Not, O Queen, Thy Face Away (Arioso - Haman) by George Frideric Handel, Michael George, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 02:31
Esther, HWV 50a: Flatt'ring Tongue, No More I Hear Thee! (Aria - Esther) by George Frideric Handel, Lynda Russell, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 05:00
Esther, HWV 50a: Guards, Seize the Traitor, Bear Him Hence (Recitative - Ahasuerus) by George Frideric Handel, Tom Randle, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 00:35
Esther, HWV 50a: How Art Thou Fall'n From Thy Height! (Aria - Haman) by George Frideric Handel, Michael George, Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Duration: 05:05
Esther, HWV 50a: The Lord Our Enemy Has Slain (Chorus) by George Frideric Handel, The Sixteen, Harry Christophers Duration: 11:00