Fallen Women & Virtuos Wives - Songs Of Haydn, Strauss, Brahms & Wolf
Fallen Women & Virtuos Wives - Songs Of Haydn, Strauss, Brahms & Wolf (19 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fallen Women & Virtuos Wives - Songs Of Haydn, Strauss, Brahms & Wolf 19 years old


Graham Johnson When album released, He was 55, now 74 years old
Albert Roussel This album released 68 years after his death. He was 68 years old when he died.
Richard Heuberger This album released 91 years after his death. He was 64 years old when he died.
Hugo Wolf This album released 102 years after his death. He was 42 years old when he died.
Oscar Straus This album released 52 years after his death. He was 83 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Nannas Lied by Kurt WeillFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 04:24
2 Die Zu Spate Ankunft Der Mutter by Franz Joseph HaydnFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:29
3 Die Alte by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:42
4 Lied Der Braut Ii (From Myrthen) by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 01:41
5 Madchenlied by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 01:48
6 Ich Hab In Penna by Hugo WolfFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 01:12
7 Drei Lieder Der Ophelia - Wie Erkenn' Ich Mein Treulieb by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:28
8 Drei Lieder Der Ophelia - Guten Morgan, 's Ist Sankt Valentinstag by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 01:23
9 Drei Lieder Der Ophelia - Sie Trugen Ihn Auf Der Bahre Bloss by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:29
10 I Know Where I'm Going by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:04
11 Wapping Old Stairs (From A Song For The Lord Mayor's Table) by William WaltonFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:21
12 The Return From Town by Arthur BlissFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:02
13 Sweet Polly Oliver by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:17
14 Und Was Bekam Des Soldaten Weib by Kurt WeillFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:50
15 Reponse D'une Epouse Sage (From Deux Poemes Chinois) by Albert RousselFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:39
16 Une Sainte En Son Aureole (From La Bonne Chanson) by Gabriel FauréFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:07
17 Au Pays Ou Se Fair La Guerre by Henri DuparcFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 04:28
18 Spinning Song by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 01:45
19 Alice Is At It Again by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:12
20 A Bar On The Piccolo Marina by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 04:41
21 La Dame De Monte Carlo by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 06:25
22 C'est Tres Villain D'etre Infindele by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:42
23 Warum Soll Eine Frau Kein Verhaltnis Haben by Oscar StrausFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 02:37
24 What's A Lady Like Me by Murray GoldFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:02
25 Geh'n Wir In's Chambre Separee (From Der Opemball) (Encore) by Richard HeubergerFelicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 03:39
26 O Waly, Waly (Encore) by Felicty LottGraham Johnson Duration: 04:04