Gounod: Faust (Sung in English) / Faust: Ballet Music
Gounod: Faust (Sung in English) / Faust: Ballet Music (26 years)


  • Release day: Monday, March 01, 1999

Gounod: Faust (Sung in English) / Faust: Ballet Music 26 years old


Charles Gounod This album released 105 years after his death. He was 75 years old when he died.
Diana Montague When album released, She was 45, now 71 years old
Alastair Miles When album released, He was 37, now 63 years old
# Song Play
1 Faust (Sung in English): Act I: Introduction by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 07:03
2 Faust (Sung in English): Act I Scene 1: Nothing! In vain I have probed … (Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:13
3 Faust (Sung in English): Act I Scene 1: Lazy little daughter open up your eyes (Young Girls, Faust, Harvesters) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:54
4 Faust (Sung in English): Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Can your God help me know the truth? (Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:21
5 Faust (Sung in English): Act I Scene 2: Duet: Here I am! You seem somewhat startled (Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:51
6 Faust (Sung in English): Act I Scene 2: So bring me the bliss of careless excesses (Faust, Mephistopheles) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:50
7 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 1: Beer or gin or wine or kvass (Students, Wagner, Soldiers, Townsmen, Young Girls, Matrons, Chorus) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:55
8 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 2: Scene and Recitative: Oh, sacred medallion from the sister I love (Valentin, Wagner, Siebel, Students) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:44
9 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 2: Duty bids me leave this place (Valentin) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 03:50
10 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 2: Cheer up, my friends! (Wagner, Students, Mephistopheles) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:24
11 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 3: Song of the Golden Calf: Pride of place to the golden calf! (Mephistopheles, Chorus) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:04
12 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 3: Recitative and Chorus: Your song deserves our thanks! (Students, Valentin, Wagner, Mephistopheles, Siebel) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:47
13 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 3: Though the fiends of hell may defy resistance (Siebel, Valentin, Wagner, Students) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:31
14 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 4: You haven't seen the last of me yet! (Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:34
15 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 5: Waltz and Chorus: Just as when the whispering breezes … (Mephistopheles, Faust, Siebel, Chorus) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:45
16 Faust (Sung in English): Act II Scene 5: May I presume to ask …(Faust, Marguerite, Siebel, Mephistopheles, Some Girls, Other Girls) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:10
17 Faust (Sung in English): Act III: Entr’acte by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:06
18 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 1: You must help me reveal the love I feel (Siebel) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:45
19 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 2: Scene and Recitative: Are we there? (Faust, Mephistopheles, Siebel) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:15
20 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 3: Wait here for a while, Doctor Faust (Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:02
21 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 4: Cavatina: What turbulent feelings possess me? (Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:46
1 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 5: Be careful! Here she comes! (Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 00:46
2 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 6: Recitative: He would have held my hand if I'd only allowed him (Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:35
3 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 6: A bouquet! It's from Siebel I'm sure (Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 05:17
4 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 7: Bless my soul, I'm dreaming! (Martha, Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 00:44
5 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 8: Dame Martha Schwerlein, I believe (Mephistopheles, Martha, Marguerite, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:29
6 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 8: Quartet: Please take my arm, they won't mind! (Faust, Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Martha) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:55
7 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 10: And none too soon! (Mephistopheles) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:52
8 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 11: Duet: It's very late … Farewell! (Marguerite, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 07:02
9 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 11: Marguerite! (Faust, Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:39
10 Faust (Sung in English): Act III Scene 13: Look there! She's opening her window … (Mephistopheles, Marguerite, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:10
11 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 1: Entr'acte by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:55
12 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 1: They pass me in the street … (Marguerite, Girls Voices) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 06:31
13 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 2: Scene and Recitative: Marguerite! Siebel! (Siebel, Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:36
14 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 2: Romance: When happy days bring gladness and laughter (Siebel, Marguerite) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:32
15 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 3: Dear Lord, accept the prayers of a penitent sinner (Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Demons, Priests, Boys) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 11:14
1 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 4: The Soldiers’ Chorus: Come along my brothers (Soldiers, Valentin, Siebel) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 03:03
2 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 4: We seek the soldier's immortal prize (Soldiers) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 03:13
3 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 5: Recitative: Come on, Siebel, I need a drink or two! (Valentin, Siebel, Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:11
4 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 6: Serenade: Is my love awake or sleeping (Mephistopheles) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:50
5 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 7: Trio: The Duel: What can I do for you? (Valentin, Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:07
6 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 8: The Death of Valentin: Over here, come at once! (Martha, Women, Valentin, Marguerite, Siebel) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:48
7 Faust (Sung in English): Act IV Scene 8: Pay heed to my words, Marguerite! (Valentin, Crowd) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 05:15
8 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 1: The Walpurgis Night: Over the heather, through the marshes (Will o’ the Wisps) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:14
9 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 1: No further! (Faust, Mephistopheles, Voices) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:22
10 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 2: Scene and Chorus: Till the sun awakes in the east (Mephistopheles, Faust Chorus) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 03:59
11 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 2: Drinking Song: Honeyed nectar, share your pleasure (Faust, Mephistopheles, Chorus) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 01:31
12 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 2: May your elation, O careless love (Mephistopheles, Faust) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:44
13 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 4: Intermezzo: Prison Scene by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 04:11
14 Faust (Sung in English): Act V Scene 4: Go back! (Faust, Mephistopheles) by Charles GounodPaul Charles ClarkeAlastair MilesMary PlazasGarry MageeDiana MontagueMatthew HargreavesSarah WalkerPhilharmonia OrchestraDavid Parry Duration: 02:13