Gramss, Dresser, Eckhardt, Guy, Hoock, Léandre, Phillips, Roccato, Saitoh, Thelin & Scodanibbio: Thinking of Stefano Scodanibbio
Gramss, Dresser, Eckhardt, Guy, Hoock, Léandre, Phillips, Roccato, Saitoh, Thelin & Scodanibbio: Thinking of Stefano Scodanibbio (10 years)


  • Release day: Friday, January 30, 2015

Gramss, Dresser, Eckhardt, Guy, Hoock, Léandre, Phillips, Roccato, Saitoh, Thelin & Scodanibbio: Thinking of Stefano Scodanibbio 10 years old


Mark Dresser When album released, He was 62, now 72 years old
Stefano Scodanibbio This album released 3 years after his death. He was 55 years old when he died.
Joëlle Léandre When album released, She was 63, now 73 years old
# Song Play
1 A catena by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 01:35
2 Macchina basso by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 03:10
3 Fioritura by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 05:10
4 Spirale by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 01:47
5 Un vento silenzioso by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 02:09
6 Moto perpetuo by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 02:32
7 Pezzi difettosi by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 01:47
8 Sul viaggio by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 04:05
9 In altre parole by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 02:26
10 Soffermiamoci by Sebastian GramssMark DresserJohn EckhardtBarry GuyChristine HoockJoëlle LéandreDieter Manderscheid. Barre PhillipsDaniele RoccatoTetsu SaitohHåkon Thelin Duration: 03:48
11 Sostevoli su by Mark Dresser Duration: 03:03
12 La coda del Nebbio by John Eckhardt Duration: 03:39
13 Voyager by Sebastian Gramss Duration: 02:27
14 Outside-Inside by Barry Guy Duration: 03:20
15 Rock! Nella nebbia by Christine Hoock Duration: 03:24
16 Elastico by Joëlle Léandre Duration: 02:58
17 Subito sera by Dieter Manderscheid Duration: 02:36
18 Tocarme by Barre Phillips Duration: 02:29
19 Breaking Glasses by Daniele Roccato Duration: 03:05
20 Casino by Tetsu Saitoh Duration: 03:08
21 H-Moll / D-Dur by Håkon Thelin Duration: 02:44
22 Virtu by Stefano ScodanibbioSebastian GramssStefano Scodanibbio & Sebastian Gramss Duration: 08:32