Handel: Highlights From 'Messiah' (40 years)
- Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1985
Handel: Highlights From 'Messiah' 40 years old
Name |
Henry Herford When album released, He was 37, now 78 years old |
Glenn Winslade When album released, He was 27, now 67 years old |
George Malloy This album released 23 years after his death. He was 87 years old when he died. |
Felicity Lott When album released, She was 37, now 77 years old |
# | Song | Play |
1 | Messiah: "Overture" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraHenry HerfordGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn Winslade Duration: 04:08 | |
2 | Messiah: "Comfort Ye People - Every Valley" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn WinsladeHenry Herford Duration: 07:09 | |
3 | Messiah: "And The Glory of God" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn WinsladeHenry Herford Duration: 03:29 | |
4 | Messiah: "For Unto Us a Child is Born" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGeorge MalcolmHenry HerfordFelicity LottGlenn Winslade Duration: 04:18 | |
5 | Messiah: "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn WinsladeHenry Herford Duration: 04:01 | |
6 | Messiah: "He Was Despised and Rejected" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGlenn WinsladeFelicity LottHenry HerfordGeorge Malcolm Duration: 05:31 | |
7 | Messiah: "Hallelujah" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraHenry HerfordGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn Winslade Duration: 04:30 | |
8 | Messiah: "I know That My Redeemer Liveth" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGlenn WinsladeFelicity LottHenry HerfordGeorge Malcolm Duration: 07:24 | |
9 | Messiah: "Behold I Tell You a Mystery / A Trumpet Shall Sound" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottHenry HerfordGlenn Winslade Duration: 05:07 | |
10 | Messiah: "Worthy Is The Lamb / Amen" by George Frideric HandelScottish Chamber OrchestraHenry HerfordGeorge MalcolmFelicity LottGlenn Winslade Duration: 07:29 |