Handel: Italian Cantatas, Vol. 7
Handel: Italian Cantatas, Vol. 7 (14 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Handel: Italian Cantatas, Vol. 7 14 years old


Roberta Invernizzi When album released, She was 43, now 57 years old
George Frideric Handel This album released 251 years after his death. He was 74 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: La terra e liberata! (The earth is freed!) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:45
2 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Pende il ben dell'universo (The well-being of the universe) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 03:42
3 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Ch'il superbetto Amore (Let proud little Cupid) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:30
4 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi (Break your bow and throw away your arrows) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:49
5 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Felicissima quest'alma (Most fortunate is this soul) (Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 05:18
6 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Che voce! Che belta! (What a voice! What a beauty!) (Apollo, Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:58
7 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Ardi, adori, e preghi in vano (You desire, adore and beseech in vain) (Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:56
8 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Che crudel! (How cruel!) (Apollo, Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:16
9 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Duet: Una guerra ho dentro il seno (A war rages in my breast) (Dafne, Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:03
10 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Placati al fin, o cara (Calm yourself, O dear one) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:21
11 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Come rosa in su la spina (Like the rose on its stem) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:19
12 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Ah! ch'un Dio non dovrebbe (Ah! A God should love nothing) (Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:21
13 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Come in ciel benigna stella (As Neptune's star in heaven) (Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 04:25
14 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitative: Odi la mia ragion! (Hear my reason!) (Apollo, Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:25
15 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Duet: Deh! lascia addolcire quell'aspro rigor (Pray! Soften your unbending severity) (Apollo, Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:29
16 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Recitativo: Sempre t'adorero! (I shall always adore you!) (Apollo, Dafne) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:19
17 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Mie piante correte (My feet run) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 03:03
18 Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122: Aria: Cara pianta, co'miei pianti (Dearest laurel, with my tears) (Apollo) by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziThomas E. BauerLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 05:37
19 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Recitative: Dunque sara ur vero by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:07
20 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Aria: Orrida, oscura, l'etra si renda by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 03:04
21 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Recitative: Ma pria che d'empia morte by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:59
22 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Aria: Renda cenere il tiranno by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 02:14
23 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Recitative: Si, si, del gran tiranno by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:14
24 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Aria and Recitative: Come, o Dio! by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 06:07
25 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Aria: Se infelice al mondo vissi! by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 05:12
26 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Recitative: Prema l'ingrato figlio by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:00
27 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Aria: Su lacerate il seno by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:35
28 Dunque sara pur vero, HWV 110, "Agrippina condotta a morire": Recitative: Ecco a morte gia corro by George Frideric HandelRoberta InvernizziLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 00:35
29 Cuopre tal volta il cielo, HWV 98: Accompagnato: Cuopre Talvolta il cielo by George Frideric HandelFurio ZanasiLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:24
30 Cuopre tal volta il cielo, HWV 98: Aria: Tuona, balena by George Frideric HandelFurio ZanasiLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 03:15
31 Cuopre tal volta il cielo, HWV 98: Recitative: Cosi fiera procella by George Frideric HandelFurio ZanasiLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 01:03
32 Cuopre tal volta il cielo, HWV 98: Aria: Per pieta de' miei martiri by George Frideric HandelFurio ZanasiLa RisonanzaFabio Bonizzoni Duration: 04:12