Kiraly: Boswil Excursions / Nostalgia and Scherzo / Valse Triste / City of the Acacias
Kiraly: Boswil Excursions / Nostalgia and Scherzo / Valse Triste / City of the Acacias (10 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kiraly: Boswil Excursions / Nostalgia and Scherzo / Valse Triste / City of the Acacias 10 years old


György Selmeczi When album released, He was 62, now 73 years old
# Song Play
1 Boswili kirandulasok (Boswil Excursions) by Laszlo KiralyMiskolc New Music StudioGyörgy Selmeczi Duration: 15:16
2 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 1. Vandordal (Wandering song) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 01:22
3 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 2. Szeretlek (I love you) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 01:15
4 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 3. Mar minden nap (Every day now) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 01:47
5 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 4. Szerelem (Love) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 04:22
6 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 5. Szerelem (Love) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 01:14
7 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 6. Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 03:19
8 Egy szerelem korszakaibol (From the Ages of a Love Affair): No. 6. Itt luktetsz (Here you beat) by Laszlo KiralyLucia Medgyesi-SchwartzBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 02:31
9 Nosztalgia (Nostalgia) by Laszlo KiralyJózsef BaloghJozsef Gabor Duration: 02:00
10 Nosztalgia es scherzo (Nostalgia and Scherzo): Scherzo by Laszlo KiralyJózsef BaloghJozsef Gabor Duration: 01:35
11 Valse triste by Laszlo KiralyJanos SelmecziCamerata TransylvanicaGyörgy Selmeczi Duration: 04:46
12 Suite No. 1, "Akacok varosa" (City of the Acacias): I. Hat nem latod, hogy kinyilt az akac? (Well, can't you see that the acacia has blossomed?) by Laszlo KiralyBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 05:57
13 Suite No. 1, "Akacok varosa" (City of the Acacias): II. Teli napok (Winter days) by Laszlo KiralyBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 05:30
14 Suite No. 1, "Akacok varosa" (City of the Acacias): III. A Szoke Agnes dalai (The songs of Agnes Szoke) by Laszlo KiralyBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 04:26
15 Suite No. 1, "Akacok varosa" (City of the Acacias): IV. A folyoagak kozott (Between the branches of the river) by Laszlo KiralyBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 07:06
16 Suite No. 1, "Akacok varosa" (City of the Acacias): V. Elso es utolso ejszakak (First and last nights) by Laszlo KiralyBudapest Symphony OrchestraLaszlo Kovacs Duration: 07:47