Pekka Kostiainen
When album released, He
was 55,
now 80 years old
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): I. Tienhaaraantulijan tervehdys (Greeting at the cross-roads) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:32
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): II. Poikako vai tytto? (Boy or girl?) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 05:00
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): III. Marin marja (Mari's berries) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:57
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): IV. Sotamiesten pilaama Mari (Mari spoiled by the soldiers) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:12
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): V. Mika lie miunki luonut? (What was it that me created?) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:41
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): VI. Syntymistaan sureva (Mourning for her birth) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:30
Marin Tarina (Mari's Story): VII. Tienhaaraantulijan tervehdys (Greeting at the cross-roads) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:43
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): I. Sulhasvaki lahtee ajoon kohti morsiustaloa (The groom's entourage sets off for the bridal manor) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 03:09
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): II. Sulhasvaki saapuu morsiustalon suljetulle verajalle (The groom's entourage arrives at the closed gate of the bridal manor) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:49
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): III. Sulhanen laskeutuu maahan vasta kun hanta on tervehditty (The groom will not alight until he has been greeted) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:31
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): IV. Sulhasvaki tervehtii morsiamen kotia ja tiedustelee morsianta (The groom's entourage salutes the bride's home and asks after the bride) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:00
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): V. Sulhasen riisuessa varusteitaan neitokuoro tervehtti hanta ja sulhasvakea (As the groom removes his gear, a choir of maidens salutes him) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:38
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): VI. Neitokuoro jatkaa tiedustelemalla, mita kautta ja miten loysi perille (The choir ask the groom by what way found the bridal manor) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:34
Sulhasen tulolaulut I (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs I): Sulhasvaki vastaa tulleensa Luojan tieta myoten ja tunteneensa oluen hajun morsiustalon suunasta by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 03:42
Sulhasen tulolaulut II (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs II): I. Sulhasvaen naiset kehottavat puhemieesta lunastamaan sulhaselle sijan poydan kunniapaikalta by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:00
Sulhasen tulolaulut II (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs II): II. Sulhasen istuutuessa poytaan naiset laulavat kiitoslaulun (The women sing a song of thanksgiving as the groom sits down at table) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:11
Sulhasen tulolaulut II (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs II): III. Neitokuoro ihmettellee sulhon viipymista (The choir of maidens wonders at what took the groom so long) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:29
Sulhasen tulolaulut II (The Bridegroom's Arrival Songs II): IV. Sulhasvaen esilaulaja puolustaa ja rohkaisee sulhasta ja kertoo hanen aamuvarhaisella kayneen isansa haudalla by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 04:33
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): I. Johtaja (The Leader) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:49
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): II. Kirkonmeno (The Service) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:42
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): III. Viisaat (The Wise) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:24
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): IV. Virka (The Office) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:14
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): V. Moraali (The Moral) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:27
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): VI. Yhteistoiminta (The Collaboration) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:24
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): VII. Tiedonpuu (The Tree of Knowledge) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:43
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): VIII. Myotatunto (The Compassion) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:26
Satiirinen sarja (Satirical Suite): IX. Piirilaulu (The Roundelay) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:02
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): I. Pakkanen pahansukuinen (Pakko, boy of wicked lineage) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:18
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): II. Aikoi kylmea Ahinki (Would have frozen Ahti also) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:54
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): III. Kyll' on sulla kylmamista (You have more than you can do) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:19
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): IV. Kylma muita kummempia! (Go and do some magic freezing) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:52
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): V. Joko nyt sanon sukusi? (And now I shall trace your lineage) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:26
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): VI. Siita aioilla ajeli (Then you rode along the fences) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:15
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): VII. Joko nyt suureksi sukesit? (Now that you have grown so big) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 00:39
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): VIII. Pohjan pitkahan perahan (To the way-back fields of Northland) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:12
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): IX. Hiien hiilien sekhan (In among the demon's coals) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:46
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): X. Vien suusi suven sijahan (I'll take your mouth to summer's land) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 01:02
Pakkasen luku (The Frost's Incantation): XI. Tehkamme sula sovinto (Let us make a firm agreement) by Pekka KostiainenMusica Choir Duration: 02:11