La Forza del Destino
La Forza del Destino (18 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, July 25, 2006

La Forza del Destino 18 years old


Anselmo Colzani This album released 0 years after his death. He was 87 years old when he died.
Giuseppe Campora This album released 1 years after his death. He was 81 years old when he died.
Fernando Corena This album released 21 years after his death. He was 67 years old when he died.
Adriana Guerrini This album released 36 years after her death. She was 62 years old when she died.
Giuseppe Modesti This album released 8 years after his death. He was 83 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Ouverture (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanGino Calo Duration: 07:54
2 Buona notte, mia figlia (La forza del destino) by Gino CaloOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 04:25
3 Me pellegrina ed orfano (La forza del destino) by Adriana GuerriniOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 04:07
4 Ah, per sempre, o mio bell´angiol (La forza del destino) by Giuseppe CamporaOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 07:20
5 Vil seduttor, infame figlia! (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanGino Calo Duration: 02:12
6 Hola, hola, hola! (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 02:32
7 Viva la guerra! (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 03:44
8 Padre Eterno Signor, pieta di noi (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 06:31
9 Son pereda, son ricco d´onore (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanAnselmo Colzani Duration: 03:46
10 Son giunta! Grazie, o Dio (La forza del destino) by Adriana GuerriniOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 06:46
11 Chi siete? (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanFernando Corena Duration: 03:03
12 Or siam soli (La forza del destino) by Giuseppe ModestiOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 08:00
13 E fermo il voto? (La forza del destino) by Giuseppe ModestiOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 07:45
14 Il santo nome di Dio signore sia bendetto (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanGiuseppe Modesti Duration: 05:14
15 La Vergine degli angeli mi copra del suo manto (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanAdriana Guerrini Duration: 03:37
16 Attenti al gioco, attenti (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 01:24
17 La vita e inferno all´infelice (La forza del destino) by Giuseppe CamporaOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 05:21
18 Al tradimento! (La forza del destino) by Anselmo ColzaniOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 06:41
19 Solenne in quest´ora (La forza del destino) by Giuseppe CamporaOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 04:16
20 Morir! Tremenda cosa! (La forza del destino) by Anselmo ColzaniOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 07:39
21 Lorchè pifferi e tamburi (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 05:37
22 Nella guerra e la follia (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 02:15
23 Toh, toh! Poffare il mondo (La forza del destino) by Fernando CorenaOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 03:42
24 Lasciatelo ch´ei vada (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 03:30
25 Fate la carita, e un´ora che aspettiamo! (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 07:21
26 Auf! Pauienza non v´ha che basti! (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanFernando Corena Duration: 05:59
27 Invano Alvaro ti celasti al mondo (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 09:27
28 Pace, pace, mio Dio! (La forza del destino) by Adriana GuerriniOrchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan Duration: 06:09
29 Io muoio! Confessione! L´alma salvate (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanAnselmo Colzani Duration: 03:11
30 Non imprecare, umiliati (La forza del destino) by Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, MilanGiuseppe Modesti Duration: 05:03