Leevi Madetoja: Complete Songs for Male Voice Choir Vol. 1
Leevi Madetoja: Complete Songs for Male Voice Choir Vol. 1 (35 years)


  • Release day: Thursday, February 01, 1990

Leevi Madetoja: Complete Songs for Male Voice Choir Vol. 1 35 years old


Leevi Madetoja This album released 42 years after his death. He was 60 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Madetoja : Purrelle tuulta Op.8 No.1 [Speak, Wind, to My Sail] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:06
2 Madetoja : Armas arkussa ajavi Op.8 No.2 [In His Coffin Lies My Love] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:24
3 Madetoja : Soitapas soria likka Op.8 No.3 [Play, Pretty Maid] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:14
4 Madetoja : Kehtolaulu Op.8 No.4 [Lullaby] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 03:12
5 Madetoja : Valkeat kaupungit Op.8 No.5 [White Cities] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 03:09
6 Madetoja : Rannalta Op.8 No.6 [On The Shore] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 03:04
7 Madetoja : Kevät keralla päiväin kuulakkain Op.8 No.7 [On A Clear Day In Spring] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:53
8 Madetoja : Kymmenen virran maa Op.8 No.8 [The Land of The Ten Mighty Streams] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:28
9 Madetoja : Korvessa Op.8 No.9 [In The Wilds] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 04:08
10 Madetoja : Megairan laulu Op.23 No.1 [Megaera's Song] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:54
11 Madetoja : Talvinen Tiber Op.23 No.2 [The Tiber In Winter] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:49
12 Madetoja : Suvi-illan vieno tuuli, Op. 23 No. 3 (The Gentle Summer Breeze) by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 03:32
13 Madetoja : Hautalaulu Op.23 No.4 [Lament] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:12
14 Madetoja : Mirjamin laulu Op.23 No.5 [Mirjam's Song] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:19
15 Madetoja : Paimentyttö Op.23 No.6 [The Shepherdess] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:29
16 Madetoja : Limokujassa Op.23 No.7 [In The Grove] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 00:56
17 Madetoja : Mittumaaritulilla Op.23 No.8 [By The Midsummer Fire] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:40
18 Madetoja : Hämärän ääniä Op.23 No.9 [Dusk] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 02:26
19 Madetoja : Majan ma tahtoisin rakentaa Op.26 No.3 [A Cottage Will I Build] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 01:28
20 Madetoja : Tuolla ylhääll' asunnoissa Op.30b No.3 [Up There In The Mansions] by Leevi MadetojaYL Male Voice ChoirMatti Hyokki Duration: 03:02