Love Themes
Love Themes (9 years)


  • Release day: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Love Themes 9 years old


Edda Dell'Orso When album released, Edda Dell'Orso was 80, now 90 years old
Ennio Morricone This album released 4 years after his death. He was 91 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Once Upon a Time in the West (From "Once Upon a Time in the West") - Titles by Ennio MorriconeEdda Dell'Orso Duration: 03:43
2 La ballata di Sacco e Vanzetti (From "Sacco e Vanzetti") - Version 1 by Ennio MorriconeJoan Baez Duration: 05:03
3 Love Theme for Nata (From "Cinema paradiso") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 04:09
4 La califfa (From "La califfa - The Lady Caliph / The Queen") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:37
5 Chi mai (From "Maddalena") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:35
6 Secret of the Sahara (From "Secret of the Sahara") - Version 3 by Ennio MorriconeEdda Dell'Orso Duration: 04:28
7 Romanza quartiere (From "Quartiere") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:40
8 Irene (From "The Untouchables") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:37
9 Metello (From "Metello") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:46
10 La messicana (From "Vamos a matar, compañeros") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:40
11 Ninna nanna per adulteri (From "Cuore di mamma") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:04
12 This Kind of Love (From "This Kind of Love") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:38
13 Via Mala: Silvie momento d'amore (From "Via Mala") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:29
14 Amore nel circo (From "L'uomo proiettile") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:42
15 Lei mi ama (From "D'amore si muore - For Love One Dies") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 03:52
16 A Lidia (From "Scusi facciamo l'amore - Listen, Let's Make Love") - Version 2 by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:38
17 Tema di Dunja (From "Il fiore delle mille e una notte - Arabian Nights") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:41
18 Tre anni fa una sera (From "Viaggio con Anita) by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:43
19 Love Scene 1 (From "Increase and Multiply - Crescete e moltiplicatevi") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 05:54
20 Notte di nozze (From "Il mercenario - A Professional Gun") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 01:22
21 Una fotografia (From "L'alibi") by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:34
22 Poesia di una donna (From "Veruschka") - Version 3 by Ennio Morricone Duration: 02:56