MahaMaya - Shri Durga Remixed
MahaMaya - Shri Durga Remixed (25 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, February 22, 2000

MahaMaya - Shri Durga Remixed 25 years old


State of Bengal This album released 15 years after his death. He was 50 years old when he died.
Bally Sagoo When album released, He was 35, now 60 years old
Cheb i Sabbah This album released 13 years after his death. He was 66 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Samarpanam - The Dhuni Mix by Cheb i Sabbah Duration: 02:44
2 Shri Durga - State of Bengal Remix by Cheb i SabbahState Of Bengal Duration: 06:05
3 Durga Puja - Tj Rehmi Remix by Cheb i SabbahTJ Rehmi Duration: 07:37
4 Kese Kese - Where's the Sarangi Mix by Cheb i SabbahTransglobal Underground Duration: 06:19
5 Ganga Dev - Bedouin Ascent Remix by Cheb i SabbahBedouin Ascent Duration: 07:41
6 Kese Kese - Beast of Asia Mix by Cheb i SabbahBally Sagoo Duration: 06:37
7 Shri Durga - The Organic Science Mix by Cheb i SabbahFun-Da-Mental Duration: 08:16
8 Radhe Krishna - The Babu Chandidasa Mix by Cheb i Sabbah Duration: 08:56