Moussorgsky: Tableaux d'une exposition
Moussorgsky: Tableaux d'une exposition (13 years)


  • Release day: Friday, April 01, 2011

Moussorgsky: Tableaux d'une exposition 13 years old


Yakov Kasman When album released, He was 44, now 58 years old
Igor Stravinsky This album released 39 years after his death. He was 88 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 01:15
2 Pictures at an Exhibition: I. Gnomus by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 02:30
3 Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 00:52
4 Pictures at an Exhibition: II. Old Castle by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 04:59
5 Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 00:23
6 Pictures at an Exhibition: III. Tuileries by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 00:57
7 Pictures at an Exhibition: IV. Bydlo by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 02:36
8 Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 00:43
9 Pictures at an Exhibition: V. Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 01:02
10 Pictures at an Exhibition: VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle - Promenade by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 03:11
11 Pictures at an Exhibition: VII. The Market-Place at Limoges by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 01:17
12 Pictures at an Exhibition: VIII. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) - Con mortuis in lingua mortua by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 03:45
13 Pictures at an Exhibition: IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga) by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 02:53
14 Pictures at an Exhibition: X. The Great Gate at Kiev by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 04:50
15 Sorochinskaya yarmarka (Sorochintsi Fair), Act III: Gopak (Hopak) by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 01:27
16 Meditation (Album Leaf), "Razdumye" by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 04:05
17 Une larme (A Tear) by Modest MussorgskyYakov Kasman Duration: 03:11
18 3 Movements from Petrushka: No. 1. Danse russe (Russian Dance) by Igor StravinskyYakov Kasman Duration: 02:29
19 3 Movements from Petrushka: No. 2. Chez Petrouchka (Petrushka's Cell) by Igor StravinskyYakov Kasman Duration: 04:06
20 3 Movements from Petrushka: No. 3. La semaine grasse (The Shrove-tide Fair) by Igor StravinskyYakov Kasman Duration: 08:43
21 Tango by Igor StravinskyYakov Kasman Duration: 02:18