Mozart: Don Giovanni
Mozart: Don Giovanni (32 years)


  • Release day: Monday, October 07, 1991

Mozart: Don Giovanni 32 years old


Sharon Sweet When album released, She was 40, now 73 years old
Simone Alaimo When album released, He was 41, now 74 years old
Francisco Araiza When album released, He was 41, now 73 years old
Karita Mattila When album released, She was 31, now 64 years old
Neville Marriner This album released 24 years after his death. He was 92 years old when he died.
Thomas Allen When album released, He was 47, now 80 years old
Robert Lloyd When album released, He was 51, now 84 years old
# Song Play
1 Don Giovanni, K.527: Overture by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 06:03
2 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Notte e giorno faticar...Lasciala, indegno!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoSharon SweetThomas AllenRobert LloydAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 04:07
3 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ah, soccorso! son tradito..." by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartRobert LloydThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:32
4 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Leporello, ove sei?" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:39
5 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ah! del padre in periglio...Ma qual mai s'offre, o Dei" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:01
6 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Fuggi, crudele, fuggi!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:54
7 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Orsù, spicciati presto" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:40
8 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ah! chi mi dice mai...Udisti? qualche bella" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:29
9 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Chi è là?" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:37
10 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Madamina, il catalogo è questo" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 05:42
11 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "In questa forma dunque" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:32
12 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Giovinette, che fate all'amore" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMarie McLaughlinClaudio OtelliAmbrosian Opera ChorusAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:23
13 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Manco male, è partita" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoMarie McLaughlinClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:22
14 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ho capito, signor sì!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:36
15 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Alfin siam liberati" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:56
16 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Là ci darem la mano" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:09
17 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Fermati, scellerato!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaMarie McLaughlinThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:44
18 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ah, fuggi il traditor" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:12
19 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Mi par ch'oggi il demonio si diverta" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenFrancisco AraizaSharon SweetKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:14
20 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Non ti fidar, o misera" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 04:25
21 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Povera sventurata!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:23
22 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Don Ottavio... son morta!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:16
23 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Or sai chi l'onore" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:44
24 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Come mai creder deggio" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartFrancisco AraizaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:44
25 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Dalla sua pace" (K.540a) by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartFrancisco AraizaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 04:38
26 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Io deggio ad ogni patto" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:50
27 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Fin ch'han dal vino" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:20
28 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Masetto... senti un po'..." by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMarie McLaughlinClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:29
29 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:42
30 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Guarda un po' come seppe questa strega" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartClaudio OtelliThomas AllenMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:36
31 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Presto, presto... pria ch'ei venga...Tra quest' arbori celata" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartClaudio OtelliMarie McLaughlinThomas AllenAmbrosian Opera ChorusAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 04:23
32 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Bisogna aver corragio" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaFrancisco AraizaSharon SweetSimone AlaimoThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:07
33 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Protegga il giusto cielo" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:28
34 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Riposate, vezzose ragazze" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoClaudio OtelliMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:16
35 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Venite pur avanti" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoSharon SweetKarita MattilaFrancisco AraizaThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:30
36 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Da bravi, via, ballate" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoKarita MattilaFrancisco AraizaSharon SweetThomas AllenMarie McLaughlinClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:29
37 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Ecco il birbo che t'ha offesa" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoSharon SweetFrancisco AraizaKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:24
38 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1: "Trema, trema scellerato" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSharon SweetKarita MattilaMarie McLaughlinFrancisco AraizaClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:20
39 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Eh via, buffone, non mi seccar" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:02
40 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Leporello!" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:57
41 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Ah! taci, ingiusto core" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaThomas AllenSimone AlaimoAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 04:41
42 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Amico, che ti par?" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenSimone AlaimoKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:09
43 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Deh! vieni alla finestra" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenJames EllisAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:07
44 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "V'è gente alla finestra" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 01:08
45 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Metà di voi qua vadano" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:55
46 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Zitto... Lascia ch'io senta... Ottimamente" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThomas AllenClaudio OtelliMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 02:17
47 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Vedrai, carino" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMarie McLaughlinAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 03:20
48 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Di molte faci il lume" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSimone AlaimoKarita MattilaAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:38
49 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Sola, sola in buio loco" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartKarita MattilaSimone AlaimoFrancisco AraizaSharon SweetMarie McLaughlinClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 07:33
50 Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 2: "Dunque quello sei tu" by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMarie McLaughlinKarita MattilaFrancisco AraizaClaudio OtelliAcademy of St. Martin in the FieldsSir Neville Marriner Duration: 00:22