Music of Our Time
Music of Our Time (61 years)


  • Release day: Wednesday, January 01, 1964

Music of Our Time 61 years old


Gunther Schuller This album released 51 years after his death. He was 89 years old when he died.
Morton Feldman This album released 23 years after his death. He was 61 years old when he died.
Leonard Bernstein This album released 26 years after his death. He was 72 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Atmosphères by György LigetiLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 06:52
2 Out of "Last Pieces" by Morton FeldmanLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 10:36
3 Four Improvisations by the Orchestra: I by TraditionalLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 00:56
4 Four Improvisations by the Orchestra: II by TraditionalLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 01:52
5 Four Improvisations by the Orchestra: III by TraditionalLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 01:34
6 Four Improvisations by the Orchestra: IV by TraditionalLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 02:23
7 Crescendo e Diminuendo by Edison DenisovLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 06:10
8 Triplum: Part I by Gunther SchullerLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 05:52
9 Triplum: Part II by Gunther SchullerLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 05:25
10 Triplum: Part III by Gunther SchullerLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 05:37
11 3 Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine: I. Antienne de la Conversation Intérieure: Dieu présent en nous by Olivier MessiaenLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 10:00
12 3 Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine: II. Séquence du Verbe, Cantique Divin: Dieu présent en lui-meme by Olivier MessiaenLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 05:43
13 3 Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine: III. Psalmodie de l'Ubiquité par Amour: Dieu présent en toutes choses by Olivier MessiaenLeonard BernsteinNew York Philharmonic Duration: 15:29