Novello: Songs
Novello: Songs (32 years)


  • Release day: Monday, February 01, 1993

Novello: Songs 32 years old


Ivor Novello This album released 41 years after his death. He was 58 years old when he died.
Gordon Langford This album released 24 years after his death. He was 86 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 King's Rhapsody: Some day my heart will awake by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:05
2 The Dancing Years: Primrose by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 02:15
3 Perchance to Dream: Love is my reason by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 02:58
4 Arc de Triomphe: Dark Music by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 04:10
5 The Little Damozel by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 02:56
6 Glamorous Night: When the Gypsy Played by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 05:19
7 Gay's the Word: Gay’s the Word: On Such a Night as This by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:26
8 King's Rhapsody: King’s Rhapsody: Fly Home, Little Heart by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:45
9 Keep the home fires burning (Till the Boys Come Home) by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:27
10 Careless Rapture: Music in May by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 02:49
11 King's Rhapsody: King’s Rhapsody: A Violin Began to Play by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 04:21
12 Spring of the Year by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 02:13
13 The Dancing Years: My Dearest Dear by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:01
14 Gay's the Word: Gay’s the Word: Finder, please return by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:37
15 Valley of Song: Look in My Heart by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:09
16 Perchance to Dream: When I Curtsied to the King by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:25
17 Perchance to Dream: We'll gather lilacs by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 05:10
18 Fairy Laughter by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 01:51
19 Glamorous Night: Glamorous Night by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 04:25
20 Careless Rapture: Why is there ever goodbye? by Ivor Novello, Marilyn Hill Smith, Gordon Langford, The Chandos Concert Orchestra, Stuart Barry Duration: 03:22