On the Cutting Edge: New Music from CONTACT!
On the Cutting Edge: New Music from CONTACT! (14 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the Cutting Edge: New Music from CONTACT! 14 years old


Magnus Lindberg This album released 8 years after his death. He was 60 years old when he died.
Marc-André Dalbavie When album released, He was 49, now 64 years old
Lei Liang When album released, He was 37, now 52 years old
Matthias Pintscher When album released, He was 39, now 54 years old
Nico Muhly When album released, He was 29, now 43 years old
Thomas Hampson When album released, He was 55, now 69 years old
# Song Play
1 Verge, for 18 Strings by Lei LiangNew York PhilharmonicMagnus Lindberg Duration: 11:22
2 Melodia, for Instrumental Ensemble by Marc-André DalbavieNew York PhilharmonicMagnus Lindberg Duration: 14:31
3 These Particular Circumstances, in seven uninterrupted episodes: Floating - Circling - Spinning - Grinding - Sinking - Teetering - Soaring by Sean ShepherdNew York PhilharmonicAlan Gilbert Duration: 20:05
4 Detailed Instructions, for Orchestra: I. All the Way Up by Nico MuhlyNew York PhilharmonicAlan Gilbert Duration: 06:04
5 Detailed Instructions, for Orchestra: II. Tilt Your Head by Nico MuhlyNew York PhilharmonicAlan Gilbert Duration: 06:39
6 Detailed Instructions, for Orchestra: III. Can't Wait by Nico MuhlyNew York PhilharmonicAlan Gilbert Duration: 05:12
7 Songs from Solomon’s Garden, for baritone and chamber orchestra by Matthias PintscherNew York PhilharmonicThomas HampsonAlan Gilbert Duration: 18:44