Pfitzner: Palestrina
Pfitzner: Palestrina (36 years)


  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1989

Pfitzner: Palestrina 36 years old


Franz Mazura This album released 31 years after his death. He was 95 years old when he died.
Brigitte Fassbaender When album released, She was 49, now 85 years old
Nicolai Gedda This album released 28 years after his death. He was 91 years old when he died.
Hermann Prey This album released 9 years after his death. He was 69 years old when he died.
Adalbert Kraus This album released 60 years after his death. He was 63 years old when he died.
Karl Ridderbusch This album released 8 years after his death. He was 65 years old when he died.
Rafael Kubelík This album released 7 years after his death. He was 82 years old when he died.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau This album released 23 years after his death. He was 86 years old when he died.
Bernd Weikl When album released, He was 46, now 82 years old
John van Kesteren This album released 19 years after his death. He was 87 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts: Prelude to Act I. Ruhig (Andante) by Hans Pfitzner, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 06:04
2 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Schönste, ungnäd'ge Dame by Hans Pfitzner, Brigitte Fassbaender, Helen Donath, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 06:40
3 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Das kann mein Herz nicht so empfinden by Hans Pfitzner, Helen Donath, Brigitte Fassbaender, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 05:41
4 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Ich wusste wohl, du würdest also reden by Hans Pfitzner, Helen Donath, Brigitte Fassbaender, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 08:16
5 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Schönste, ungnäd'ge Dame by Hans Pfitzner, Brigitte Fassbaender, Helen Donath, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 01:10
6 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Schönste, ungnäd'ge Dame by Hans Pfitzner, Brigitte Fassbaender, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 01:37
7 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Das ist die neue Zeit, die in ihm gärt by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 01:25
8 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Die Kunst der Meister vieler hundert Jahre by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:21
9 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Und Ihr wollt's so ruhig gehen lassen by Hans Pfitzner, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 14:48
10 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Wie schön ist, was Ihr sagt by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 08:54
11 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Der letzte Freund, der mir noch wohlgesinnt by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 08:55
12 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Für Ihn. Sein Wesen will's by Hans Pfitzner, John Van Kesteren, Friedrich Lenz, Adalbert Kraus, Gerd Nienstedt, Theodor Nicolai, Franz Mazura, Peter Meven, Victor von Halem, Karl Ridderbusch, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 07:53
1 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Nicht ich, nicht ich, schwach bin ich, voller Fehler by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, John Van Kesteren, Friedrich Lenz, Adalbert Kraus, Gerd Nienstedt, Theodor Nicolai, Franz Mazura, Peter Meven, Victor von Halem, Karl Ridderbusch, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 13:45
2 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Allein in dunkler Tiefe by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Irmgard Lampart, Karin Hautermann, Erika Rüggeberg, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Tölzer Knabenchor, Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Duration: 03:45
3 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Nah war ich dir in Nöten des Lebens by Hans Pfitzner, Renate Freyer, Irmgard Lampart, Karin Hautermann, Erika Rüggeberg, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Tölzer Knabenchor, Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Duration: 05:46
4 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 1: Ighino, sieh doch, komm herein! by Hans Pfitzner, Brigitte Fassbaender, Helen Donath, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:53
5 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts: Prelude to Act II. Mit Wucht und Wildheit by Hans Pfitzner, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 05:48
6 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: Noch eine Bank! Und schnell! by Hans Pfitzner, Gerd Nienstedt, Heribert Steinbach, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 03:48
7 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: Morone ist von Innsbruck schon herein? by Hans Pfitzner, Heribert Steinbach, Karl Ridderbusch, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 04:55
8 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: Ein liebreich würd'ger Herr by Hans Pfitzner, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Heribert Steinbach, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 05:18
9 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: So wird, was in den letzten Wochen by Hans Pfitzner, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Heribert Steinbach, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 07:58
10 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: Zahlreich wird heut' die heilige Versammlung sein by Hans Pfitzner, Victor von Halem, Karl Ridderbusch, Heribert Steinbach, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Peter Meven, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 04:19
11 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 2: Die Italiener dort seht! by Hans Pfitzner, Hermann Prey, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 02:08
12 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Geliebte Brüder, seid gegrüsst im Herrn! by Hans Pfitzner, Friedrich Lenz, Adalbert Kraus, Karl Kreile, Josef Weber, Anton Rosner, Gudrun Rosner-Greindl, Bernd Weikl, Heribert Steinbach, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 03:06
13 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Von weither wandert' ich by Hans Pfitzner, John Van Kesteren, Friedrich Lenz, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:51
14 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Ich, Ercole Severolus, Zeremonienmeister der Synode by Hans Pfitzner, Gerd Nienstedt, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:01
15 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Interlude - "Und nun erhebt sich zur Begrüssung" by Hans Pfitzner, Gerd Nienstedt, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 03:02
1 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Den Heil'gen Geist, der die Konzilien leitet by Hans Pfitzner, Bernd Weikl, Friedrich Lenz, Gerd Nienstedt, Hermann Prey, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 09:33
2 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Ihr wisst, von des Kaisers Propositionen by Hans Pfitzner, Bernd Weikl, Franz Mazura, Gerd Nienstedt, Victor von Halem, Heribert Steinbach, Peter Meven, Karl Ridderbusch, Friedrich Lenz, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 04:26
3 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Darf ich die Frage stellen,warum nicht nach der Reih by Hans Pfitzner, Peter Meven, Paul Hansen, Gerd Nienstedt, Bernd Weikl, Heribert Steinbach, Hermann Prey, Victor von Halem, Friedrich Lenz, Franz Mazura, John Van Kesteren, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 07:04
4 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: In der Verfassung des Gemüts by Hans Pfitzner, Bernd Weikl, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:35
5 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Was nun! Was nun! Glaubt Ihr noch dran by Hans Pfitzner, Bernd Weikl, Heribert Steinbach, Friedrich Lenz, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 02:15
6 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 2: Habt ihr's gesehen? by Hans Pfitzner, Karl Ridderbusch, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 02:33
7 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Prelude by Hans Pfitzner, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 05:12
8 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Wie lange sie bleiben by Hans Pfitzner, Peter Schranner, Theodor Nicolai, Heinrich Weber, Albert Gaßner, Nikolaus Hillebrandt, Nicolai Gedda, Helen Donath, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 05:20
9 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Als sie dich griffen und banden by Hans Pfitzner, Helen Donath, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 04:01
10 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Evviva Palestrina, der Retter der Musik! by Hans Pfitzner, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 01:52
11 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Wie einst im himmlischen Zion by Hans Pfitzner, Karl Ridderbusch, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 03:56
12 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Die Messe - ach, der Messe süsses Licht by Hans Pfitzner, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 03:22
13 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: O Vater, wirst du nun auch wieder froh? by Hans Pfitzner, Helen Donath, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik Duration: 03:00
14 Palestrina - Musical legend in three acts / Act 3: Evviva Palestrina, der Retter der Musik! by Hans Pfitzner, Helen Donath, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 02:25
15 Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts / Act 3: Nun schmiede mich, den letzten Stein by Hans Pfitzner, Nicolai Gedda, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Kubelik, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Josef Schmidhuber Duration: 02:25