Purcell: Dido & Aeneas; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day (32 years)


  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1993

Purcell: Dido & Aeneas; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day 32 years old


Pauline Tinsley When album released, She was 65, now 97 years old
Ruth Holton When album released, She was 32, now 64 years old
Michael Chance When album released, He was 37, now 70 years old
Carolyn Watkinson When album released, She was 43, now 75 years old
Gaspar Sanz This album released 283 years after his death. He was 70 years old when he died.
Michael Chant When album released, He was 48, now 80 years old
Francesco Corbetta This album released 312 years after his death. He was 66 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Ode for St Cecilia's Day, "Welcome to all the pleasures", Z339 - original version: Welcome to all pleasures by Henry Purcell, Michael Chance, Pauline Tinsley, George Mosley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:35
2 Ode for St Cecilia's Day, "Welcome to all the pleasures", Z339 - original version: Here the Deities approve by Henry Purcell, Michael Chance, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:44
3 Ode for St Cecilia's Day, "Welcome to all the pleasures", Z339 - original version: While joys celestial by Henry Purcell, Michael Chance, Ruth Holton, Nicola Jenkin, Pauline Tinsley, George Mosley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:56
4 Ode for St Cecilia's Day, "Welcome to all the pleasures", Z339 - original version: Beauty thou scene of love by Henry Purcell, Pauline Tinsley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 04:06
5 Dido and Aeneas: Overture by Henry Purcell, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:01
6 Dido and Aeneas / Act 1: "Shake the cloud from off your brow" by Henry Purcell, Ruth Holton, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 01:01
7 Dido and Aeneas / Act 1: "Ah! Belinda, I am prest with torment" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, Ruth Holton, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 04:12
8 Dido and Aeneas / Act 1: "Whence could so much virtue spring?" - "Fear no danger" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, Ruth Holton, Elisabeth Priday, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:30
9 Dido and Aeneas / Act 1: "See, your Royal Guest appears" - "If not for mine" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, Ruth Holton, George Mosley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:32
10 Ciaccona by Francesco Corbetta, David Miller, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 00:59
11 Dido and Aeneas / Act 1: "To the hills and the vales" - The Triumphing Dance by Henry Purcell, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:15
13 Dido and Aeneas / Act 2: "In our deep vaulted cell" - Echo Dance of the Furies by Henry Purcell, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:01
14 Dido and Aeneas / Act 2: Ritornelle - "Thanks to these lonesome vales" by Henry Purcell, Ruth Holton, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:15
15 Folías by Gaspar Sanz, David Miller, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 00:58
16 Dido and Aeneas / Act 2: "Oft she visits" by Henry Purcell, Elisabeth Priday, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:06
17 Dido and Aeneas / Act 2: "Behold, upon my bending spear" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, Jonathan Peter Kenny, George Mosley, Ruth Holton, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 04:25
18 Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: Prelude - "Come away, fellow sailors" - Sailor's Dance by Henry Purcell, Pauline Tinsley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 02:13
19 Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "See the flags" - Destruction's our delight - The Wit- ches' Dance by Henry Purcell, Teresa Shaw, Donna Deam, Shauna Beesley, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:16
20 Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "Your counsel all is urged in vain" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, Ruth Holton, George Mosley, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 03:17
21 Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "But death, alas!" by Henry Purcell, Carolyn Watkinson, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 01:15
23 Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "With drooping wings" by Henry Purcell, The Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner Duration: 04:14