Recital (1951-1957)
Recital (1951-1957) (10 years)


  • Release day: Sunday, March 01, 2015

Recital (1951-1957) 10 years old


Cesare Siepi This album released 4 years after his death. He was 87 years old when he died.
Fromental Halévy This album released 152 years after his death. He was 62 years old when he died.
Giacomo Meyerbeer This album released 150 years after his death. He was 73 years old when he died.
Gianandrea Gavazzeni This album released 19 years after his death. He was 86 years old when he died.
Gioachino Rossini This album released 146 years after his death. He was 76 years old when he died.
Victor de Sabata This album released 47 years after his death. He was 75 years old when he died.
Vincenzo Bellini This album released 179 years after his death. He was 33 years old when he died.
Amilcare Ponchielli This album released 129 years after his death. He was 51 years old when he died.
Fausto Cleva This album released 43 years after his death. He was 69 years old when he died.
Charles Gounod This album released 121 years after his death. He was 75 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Don Giovanni, Act II: Deh vieni alla finestra by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartCesare SiepiWiener PhilharmonikerJosef Krips Duration: 02:01
2 L'Italiana in Algeri (The Italian Girl in Algiers), Act II: Le femmine d'Italia by Gioachino RossiniCesare SiepiOrchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di TorinoAlfredo Simonetto Duration: 03:21
3 Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), Act I: La calunnia e un venticello by Gioachino RossiniCesare SiepiOrchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di TorinoArturo Basile Duration: 04:22
4 La sonnambula, Act I: Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni by Vincenzo BelliniCesare SiepiOrchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di TorinoArturo Basile Duration: 03:02
5 Nabucco, Act II: Tu sul labbro by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 05:44
6 Ernani: Ernani, Act I: Infelice! … e tuo credevi by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 03:34
7 I vespri siciliani, Act II: O tu Palermo by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di TorinoAlfredo SimonettoArturo Basile Duration: 04:18
8 Simon Boccanegra: Prologue: Il lacerato spirito by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 04:26
9 Don Carlo, Act III: Ella giammai m'amo! by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 09:33
10 Messa da Requiem: Confutatis maledictus by Giuseppe VerdiCesare SiepiOrchestra Del Teatro Alla Scala, MilanoVictor de Sabata Duration: 04:46
11 Robert le diable (Robert the Devil), Act III: Nonnes qui reposez by Giacomo MeyerbeerCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 03:14
12 Les Huguenots: Act I: Seigneur, rempart et seul soultien by Giacomo MeyerbeerCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 02:30
13 Les Huguenots: Act I: Piff, paff by Giacomo MeyerbeerCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 03:25
14 La Juive, Act I: Si la rigueur et la vengeance by Fromental HalévyCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 03:58
15 Faust: Act I: Le veau d'or est toujours debout by Charles GounodCesare SiepiMetropolitan Opera OrchestraFausto Cleva Duration: 01:49
16 Faust: Act IV: Vous qui faites l'endormire by Charles GounodCesare SiepiMetropolitan Opera OrchestraFausto Cleva Duration: 03:08
17 Mefistofele, Act I: Son lo Spirito che nega by Arrigo BoitoCesare SiepiOrchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di TorinoArturo Basile Duration: 03:05
18 Salvator Rosa, Act II: Di sposo, di padre le gioie serene by Carlos GomesCesare SiepiOrchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa CeciliaAlberto Erede Duration: 05:59
19 La Gioconda, Act III : Si, morir ella de'! by Amilcare PonchielliCesare SiepiOrchestra del Maggio Musicale FiorentinoGianandrea Gavazzeni Duration: 04:43