Sorabji: 100 Transcendental Studies, Nos. 72-83
Sorabji: 100 Transcendental Studies, Nos. 72-83 (8 years)


  • Release day: Friday, May 06, 2016

Sorabji: 100 Transcendental Studies, Nos. 72-83 8 years old


Fredrik Ullén When album released, He was 48, now 57 years old
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji This album released 27 years after his death. He was 96 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 72. Canonica: Marcato by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 02:18
2 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 73. Quasi Preludio-corale: Sonorità piena, morbida e dolcissima by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 18:03
3 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 74. Ostinato: Secco by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 04:30
4 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 75. Passacaglia: Largo by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 29:02
5 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 76. Imitations: Presto assai by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 01:10
6 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 77. Mouvement semblable et perpétuel: Scorrevole by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 01:37
7 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 78. — by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 01:49
8 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 79. The inlaid line: Legatissimo il tema melodico by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 02:14
9 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 80. La linea melodica: Mormorando sordamente by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 05:51
10 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 81. The Suspensions: Lento quasi adagio e gravemente solenne by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 05:40
11 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 82. Sordamente e oscuramente minaccioso by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 02:31
12 100 Transcendental Studies: No. 83. Arpeggiated fourths by Kaikhosru SorabjiFredrik Ullen Duration: 04:33