Tahiti: Belle Epoque 4 (Songs of the Atolls and the Islands)
Tahiti: Belle Epoque 4 (Songs of the Atolls and the Islands) (15 years)


  • Release day: Monday, March 15, 2010

Tahiti: Belle Epoque 4 (Songs of the Atolls and the Islands) 15 years old


Henriette Winkler This album released 8 years after her death. She was 71 years old when she died.
# Song Play
1 Haamanao Mai Oe by Maeva & Alex Duration: 02:45
2 E Vahine Ra Oe by LomaMila Duration: 02:59
3 Maitai Aroha by FaimanoMorito Duration: 02:27
4 Mauriuiri by Titi & Alex Duration: 02:40
5 Oini Maa by Bimbo Duration: 02:29
6 Mata Refarefa by Maeva Duration: 02:41
7 Eita Vau E Fiu by Loma Duration: 03:21
8 Topa Tuna Te Hupe by Alec Salmon Duration: 02:37
9 Ua Rari Tou Roi I Te Roimata by Maeva Duration: 03:25
10 Rarahu Ia Loti by LomaMila Duration: 03:04
11 Titiriri by Moro Duration: 02:20
12 E Vai Te Pape Puooro by MaevaBimboTaaroa Duration: 02:33
13 Mauiui Tau Mafatu by Maeva & Alex Duration: 02:56
14 Te Hoa by Simon & Ceraphine Duration: 03:11
15 Iriti Mai by Henriette Winkler Duration: 02:17
16 Aue Tau Fetia Taiao by MaevaBimboTaaroa Duration: 02:43
17 Vahine Tahiti by LomaMila Duration: 02:56
18 Otohetohe E Rori by TanoaHei Duration: 02:15
19 Ua Tai Au Ia Oe by LomaMila Duration: 02:56
20 Tamure Bimbo by BimboCéraphine & Taaroa Duration: 03:00
21 Naturisme a Tahiti Moemoea by FaimanoPhyllisMorito Duration: 02:57
22 Otuitui Tau Mafatu by LomaBimboTaaroa Duration: 02:58