Thirukkural in 133 Raagams by Saint Thiruvalluvar
Thirukkural in 133 Raagams by Saint Thiruvalluvar (14 years)


  • Release day: Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thirukkural in 133 Raagams by Saint Thiruvalluvar 14 years old


Manickam Yogeswaran When album released, He was 51, now 65 years old
# Song Play
1 Part One: [Virtue] - The Praise of God, the Blessing of Rain, the Merit of Ascetics, the Power of Virtue by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 02:03
2 [Domestic Virtue] - Married Life, the Worth of a Wife, the Wealth of Children, Loving - Kindness, Hospitality, Sweet Words, Gratitude, Equity, Self - Control, Good Decorum by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:42
3 Against Coveting Another's Wife, Forgiveness, Avoid Envy, Against Covetousness, Against Slander, Against Vain Speaking, Fear of Sin, Duty of Society by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:14
4 [Ascetic Virtue] - Charity, Compassion, Abstinence from Flesh, Penance, Imposture, Absence of Fraud, Veracity, Restraining Anger, Non - Violence, Non - Killing by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:42
5 Instability, Renunciation, Truth Consciousness, Curbing of Desier, Destiny by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 02:21
6 Part Two: [Wealth/Royalty] - The Grandeur of Monarchy, Education, Non - Learning, Listening, Possession of Wisdom, Avoiding Faults, Gaining Great Men's Help, Avoiding Mean Company, Deliberation Before Action by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:13
7 Judging Strength, Knowing Proper Time, Judging the pPace, Testing of Men for Confidence, Testing and Entrusting, Cherishing Kinsmen, Unforgetfulness, Just Government, Crul Tyranny, Avoiding tTrrorism, Benign Looks by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 05:10
8 Espionage, Energy, Freedom from Sloth, Manly Effort, Hope in Mishap by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 02:21
9 [State Cabinet] - Ministers, Power of Action, Purity of Action, Powerful Acts, Modes of Action, Embassy, Walk With Kings, Divining the Mind, Judging the Audience, Courage Before Councils by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:42
10 [Politics] - The Country, Fortress, Ways of Making Wealth, the Glory of Army, Military Pride by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 02:21
11 [Alliance] - Friendship, Testing Friendship, Intimacy, Bad Friendship, False Friendship, Folly, Petty Conceit, Hatred, Noble Hostility, Appraising Enemies by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:42
12 Secret Foe, Offend Not the Great, Being Led by Women, Wanton Women, Not Drinking Liquor, Gambling, Medicine by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 03:17
13 [Miscellaneous] - Nobility, Honour, Greatness, Sublimity, Courtesy, Futile Wealth, Sensitiveness of Shame, Promoting Family Welfare, Farming, Poverty, Asking, Dread of Beggary, Meanness by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 06:06
14 Part Three: [Nature of Love On Secret Marriage] - Beauty's Dart, Signs Speak the Heart, Embrace - Bliss, Beauty extolled, Love's Excellence, Decorum Defied, Public Clamour by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 03:17
15 [Chaste Wedded Love] - Panga of Separation, Wailing of Pining Love, Wasteful Look for Wistful Love, Wailing Over Pallor, Pining Alone, Sad Memories, Dream Visions, Eventied Sigh, Limbs Languish, Soliloquy by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:42
16 Reserve Lost, Mutual Yearning, Feeling Surmised, Longing for Reunion, Chiding the Heart, Bouderie, Feigned Anger, Sulking Charm by Manickam Yogeswaran Duration: 04:04