Vaughan Williams: Sir John in Love
Vaughan Williams: Sir John in Love (9 years)


  • Release day: Friday, March 11, 2016

Vaughan Williams: Sir John in Love 9 years old


Ralph Vaughan Williams This album released 57 years after his death. He was 85 years old when he died.
John Cameron When album released, He was 71, now 81 years old
Heddle Nash This album released 54 years after his death. He was 67 years old when he died.
April Cantelo When album released, She was 87, now 96 years old
Owen Brannigan This album released 43 years after his death. He was 65 years old when he died.
Andrew Gold This album released 4 years after his death. He was 59 years old when he died.
Forbes Robinson This album released 28 years after his death. He was 60 years old when he died.
John Cameron (chief) This album released 188 years after john Cameron (chief) death. John Cameron (chief) was 64 years old when john Cameron (chief) died.
# Song Play
1 Sir John in Love, Act I: Prelude - What-hoa! by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Heddle Nash, Parry Jones, Gerald Davies, Denis Dowling, Roderick JONES, John William Kentish, Forbes Robinson, Denis Catlin, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 04:30
2 Sir John in Love, Act I: Sir Hugh, Persuade Me Not... by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Heddle Nash, Parry Jones, Andrew Gold, April Cantelo, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:09
3 Sir John in Love, Act I: Ahem... by Ralph Vaughan Williams, April Cantelo, Gerald Davies, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 01:32
4 Sir John in Love, Act I: This Is My Father's Choice by Ralph Vaughan Williams, April Cantelo, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:36
5 Sir John in Love, Act I: Do but Look on Her Eyes by Ralph Vaughan Williams, James Johnston, April Cantelo, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:47
6 Sir John in Love, Act I: I See I Cannot Get Thy Father's Love by Ralph Vaughan Williams, James Johnston, April Cantelo, Denis Dowling, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:06
7 Sir John in Love, Act I: Vere Is Dat Knave Rugby? by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Francis Loring, Ronald Lewis, Andrew Gold, Pamela Bowden, James Johnston, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 04:26
8 Sir John in Love, Act I: Master Fenton by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Pamela Bowden, James Johnston, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 01:43
9 Sir John in Love, Act I: How Now, Mine Host of the Garter by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John William Kentish, Denis Catlin, Forbes Robinson, Owen Brannigan, Roderick JONES, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:56
10 Sir John in Love, Act I: I Spy Entertainment in Her by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roderick JONES, Forbes Robinson, Denis Catlin, John William Kentish, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Denis Dowling, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:44
11 Sir John in Love, Act I: Wilt Thou Revenge? by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Denis Catlin, Forbes Robinson, John Cameron, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:42
12 Sir John in Love, Act I: Love My Wife? I Will Be Patient by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Marion Lowe, Laelia Finneberg, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:22
13 Sir John in Love, Act II: Prelude - Thine Own True Knight by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laelia Finneberg, Marion Lowe, Pamela Bowden, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 06:20
14 Sir John in Love, Act II: Sigh No More, Ladies by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laelia Finneberg, Pamela Bowden, Marion Lowe, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:41
15 Sir John in Love, Act II: Bardolph, Bardolph, I Say! by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roderick JONES, John William Kentish, Pamela Bowden, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:41
16 Sir John in Love, Act II: Go Thy Ways by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roderick JONES, John William Kentish, John Cameron, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:29
17 Sir John in Love, Act II: Sir, My Name Is Brook by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Roderick JONES, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:23
18 Sir John in Love, Act II: Ha, Is This a Vision? by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Francis Loring, Owen Brannigan, Gerald Davies, Heddle Nash, Denis Dowling, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:14
1 Sir John in Love, Act III: Prelude - Yet Hear Me Speak by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Owen Brannigan, James Johnston, April Cantelo, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:59
2 Sir John in Love, Act III: Let Him Woo for Himself by Ralph Vaughan Williams, April Cantelo, James Johnston, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Owen Brannigan, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 06:48
3 Sir John in Love, Act III: As We Sat Down in Papylon by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Parry Jones, Andrew Gold, Heddle Nash, Denis Dowling, Gerald Davies, Owen Brannigan, Francis Loring, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 04:35
4 Sir John in Love, Act III: Peace, I Say! by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Owen Brannigan, Denis Dowling, John Cameron, Parry Jones, Ronald Lewis, Andrew Gold, Heddle Nash, Francis Loring, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:03
5 Sir John in Love, Act III: What, John! What, Robert! by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Marion Lowe, Laelia Finneberg, Roderick JONES, Heddle Nash, Pamela Bowden, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:01
6 Sir John in Love, Act III: Alas My Love, You Do Me Wrong by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Marion Lowe, Pamela Bowden, Roderick JONES, Laelia Finneberg, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 04:45
7 Sir John in Love, Act III: Ah! How Now, Where Bear You This by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Heddle Nash, Marion Lowe, Denis Dowling, Parry Jones, Francis Loring, Gerald Davies, Owen Brannigan, Forbes Robinson, John William Kentish, Denis Catlin, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:56
8 Sir John in Love, Act IV: Pardon Me, Wife by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Marion Lowe, Denis Dowling, Parry Jones, Laelia Finneberg, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:51
9 Sir John in Love, Act IV: There Is an Old Tale Goes by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laelia Finneberg, Denis Dowling, Marion Lowe, John Cameron, Parry Jones, Francis Loring, Gerald Davies, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:19
10 Sir John in Love, Act IV: Entr'acte by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 02:36
11 Sir John in Love, Act IV: The Windsor Bell Hath Struck Twelve by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roderick JONES, Marion Lowe, Laelia Finneberg, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:14
12 Sir John in Love, Act IV: I Think the Devil Will Not Have Me Damned by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roderick JONES, April Cantelo, Pamela Bowden, Parry Jones, John William Kentish, Denis Catlin, Owen Brannigan, Forbes Robinson, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 05:04
13 Sir John in Love, Act IV: Nay, Do Not Fly by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Denis Dowling, Laelia Finneberg, John Cameron, Marion Lowe, Owen Brannigan, Denis Catlin, John William Kentish, Forbes Robinson, Pamela Bowden, Parry Jones, Roderick JONES, Gerald Davies, Heddle Nash, Andrew Gold, Francis Loring, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 03:13
14 Sir John in Love, Act IV: This Is Strange, Who Hath the Right Anne? by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Cameron, Laelia Finneberg, James Johnston, Denis Dowling, Roderick JONES, Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus, April Cantelo, Marion Lowe, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stanford Robinson Duration: 07:22