ACM Fellow Winners

People with ACM Fellow


Name Title
Joel Emer American electrical engineer
Joel Moses
Johan Håstad Swedish computer scientist
John C. Reynolds Computer scientist
John E. Laird American computer scientist
John Guttag
John Hershberger Computer scientist
John L. Hennessy
John M. Carroll (politician) American politician
John McCarthy Sound
John Ousterhout American computer programmer
John R. Rice American Baptist minister
John Reif American academic
John T. Riedl Computer scientist
John Warnock American computer programmer
Jon Crowcroft British Computer Scientist
Jon Kleinberg American computer scientist
Josep Torrellas American computer scientist
Joseph F. Traub American computer scientist
Joseph M. Hellerstein
Joseph O'Rourke (activist) Dismissed Catholic priest and abortion activist
Joshua Lederberg American molecular biologist
Juan E. Gilbert American computer scientist
Judea Pearl Computer scientist
Juris Hartmanis Computer Scientist
Justine Cassell American linguist and artificial intelligence researcher
Kang G. Shin South Korean academic
Kathryn S. McKinley American computer scientist
Ken Birman Researcher in fault-tolerant distributed computing systems
Kenneth Steiglitz American computer scientist
Krishan Sabnani Indian engineer
Kurt Akeley Computer graphics engineer
L Peter Deutsch Free software programmer and creator of Ghostscript
Lance Fortnow
Larry Constantine Engineer
Larry L. Peterson
Larry Stockmeyer American computer scientist
Lawrence Paulson
Leonard Kleinrock Engineer
Leslie Lamport American computer scientist
Leslie Valiant British computer scientist
Loren Carpenter
Lori A. Clarke American computer scientist
Madhu Sudan Indian computer scientist
Manny Lehman DJ
Marc Levoy
Margo Seltzer
Maria Klawe Canadian mathematician
Mark Guzdial
Martín Abadi Argentinian computer scientist

ACM Fellow (0 years)

  • Inception: