CNRS Gold medal Winners

People with CNRS Gold medal


Name Title
Alain Aspect French physicist
Alain Connes Mathematician
Albert Fert French physicist
Alfred Kastler french physicist
André Leroi-Gourhan French scientist
André-Louis Danjon French astronomer
Barbara Cassin French philosopher
Boris Ephrussi French geneticist
Charles Fehrenbach (astronomer) French astronomer
Christiane Desroches Noblecourt Egyptologist
Claire Voisin Mathematician
Claude Allègre Politician scientist
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji French physicist
Claude Hagège French linguist
Claude Lévi-Strauss Anthropologist ethnologist
Claude Lorius
Émile Borel French mathematician and politician
Évry Schatzman French astronomer
Françoise Combes French physicist
Gaston Ramon French biologist
Georges Canguilhem French philosopher
Gérard Berry
Gérard Férey Chemist
Henri Cartan French mathematician
Jacques Friedel French physicist
Jacques Hadamard French Mathematician
Jacques Le Goff French historian
Jacques Stern French cryptographer
Jean Brossel French physicist
Jean Dalibard French physicist
Jean Jouzel French scientist
Jean Tirole French economist
Jean Weissenbach French geneticist
Jean-Claude Risset French composer
Jean-Marie Lehn French chemist
Jean-Pierre Changeux French biologist
Jean-Pierre Serre French mathematician and Fields medallist.
Jean-Pierre Vernant French historian
Louis de Broglie Physicist
Louis Néel French physicist
Marc Julia French chemist
Margaret Buckingham
Maurice Allais French economist; 1988 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
Maurice Godelier French anthropologist
Michel Jouvet French sleep researcher
Nicole Marthe Le Douarin
Philippe Descola French anthropologist
Philippe Nozières French physicist
Pierre Bourdieu French anthropologist sociologist and philosopher
Pierre Chambon French molecular biologist

CNRS Gold medal (0 years)

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