Copley Medal Winners

People with Copley Medal


Name Title
Richard Kirwan Irish scientist
Richard Owen Comparative anatomist palaeontologist
Richard Owen (judge) United States federal judge
Robert Brown (tertius) Bootmaker botanist
Robert Bunsen Chemist
Robert Burns Woodward Organic chemist and discoverer of Woodward–Hoffmann rules
Robert Robinson Actor
Robert Seppings Surveyor of the Royal Navy
Robin Hill Editing
Roderick Murchison, 1st Baronet
Roger Penrose British mathematician and writer
Ronald Fisher English statistician geneticist
Rudolf Clausius German physicist and mathematician
Rudolf Peierls Physicist
Rudolf Virchow German doctor anthropologist public health activist pathologist prehistorian biologist and politician
Siméon Denis Poisson Mathematician geometer and physicist
Simon Newcomb American astronomer
Sir Francis Galton Mathematician
Smithson Tennant British chemist
Stanislao Cannizzaro Italian chemist
Stephen Gray (musical administrator) English musical administrator
Stephen Hales British scientist
Stephen Hawking Theoretical physicist
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Physicist
Sydney Chapman (politician) British politician
Theobald Smith American epidemiologist
Theodor Schwann German biologist
Thomas Andrew Knight British botanist
Thomas Graham Chemist
Thomas Henry Huxley English biologist and evolutionist
Thomas Hunt Morgan American biologist
Thomas Hutchins (naturalist) British naturalist
Thomas Lewis (1690–1777) British politician
Tomas Lindahl Swedish biologist
Urbain Le Verrier French astronomer
W. V. D. Hodge British astronomer
Wilhelm Eduard Weber Physicist
William Bayliss
William Brownrigg
William Buckland Geologist and paleontologist
William Crookes British chemist and physicist
William Herschel British astronomer
William Hewson (theological writer)
William Hodge American actor
William Huggins British astronomer
William Hyde Wollaston Scientist physicist
William Prout British chemist
William Roy British Army general
William Snow Harris
William Thomas Brande British chemist

Copley Medal (0 years)

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