Fellow of the American Mathematical Society Winners

People with Fellow of the American Mathematical Society


Name Title
Joseph Bernstein Israeli mathematician
Joseph F. Traub American computer scientist
Joseph Gallian American mathematician
Joseph H. Silverman American mathematician
Joseph J. Kohn Czech mathematician
Joseph Keller American mathematician
Joseph Lipman
Juan Luis Vázquez Suárez Spanish mathematician
Judith Grabiner
Judith Roitman American mathematician
Jun-Ichi Igusa Mathematician
Jürg Fröhlich Swiss physicist
Juris Hartmanis Computer Scientist
K. S. Chandrasekharan Mathematician
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
Karen Parshall
Karen Vogtmann Mathematician
Karl Rubin American mathematician
Katrin Wehrheim Mathematician
Keith Ball Footballer
Keith Martin Ball British mathematician
Ken Ono American mathematician
Kenneth Alan Ribet American mathematician
Kenneth Appel American mathematician
Kiran Kedlaya American mathematician
Konrad Osterwalder Under Secretary-General of the United Nations
Kristian Seip Norwegian mathematician
Krystyna Kuperberg Mathematician
Larry Guth
Lars Hörmander Mathematician
Lasse Rempe German mathematician
László Fuchs Mathematician
László Lempert Hungarian-American mathematician
László Lovász Hungarian mathematician
Laura Grace YouTube Star
Laurent C. Siebenmann French mathematician
Lawrence C. Evans American mathematician
Lawrence Shepp American mathematician
Lee Lorch American mathematician
Lenhard Ng Chinese American mathematician
Lennart Carleson Swedish mathematician
Lenore Blum professor of Computer Science
Leonid Pastur Ukrainian physicist and mathematician
Lesley Sibner American mathematician
Lin Fanghua American mathematician
Linda Keen American mathematician
Lloyd N. Trefethen British mathematician
Lloyd Shapley United States mathematician specialist in cooperative game theory co-winner with Alvin E. Roth of the 2012 Swedish Bank's Economics Prize in honor of Alfred Nobel for the Shapley–Gale algorithm for two-sided matching.
Lothar Göttsche German mathematician
Louis de Branges de Bourcia American mathematician

Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (0 years)

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