Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword Winners

People with Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword


Name Title
Abdullah II King
Abdullah II of Jordan Jordanian head of state
Akihito Former Emperor of Japan
Alexander Van der Bellen Austrian economist
Arnold Rüütel President of Estonia
Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden King of Sweden
Carlos Andrés Pérez President of Venezuela
Elizabeth II Queen regnant of the Commonwealth realms
Emílio Garrastazu Médici President of Brazil
Ernesto Geisel President of Brazil
Fernando Henrique Cardoso President of Brazil
Harald V of Norway King of Norway
Hassan II
Heinz Fischer President of Austria
Ivan Gašparovič World Leader
João Bernardo Vieira Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau
João Figueiredo Brazilian politician and general
Joaquim Chissano Mozambican politician
José Eduardo dos Santos President of Angola
José Saramago Portuguese Playwright Novelist
José Sarney Brazilian politician
Juan Carlos I King Of Spain (1975-2014)
Karl Carstens German politician
Léopold Sédar Senghor President of Senegal
Margrethe II of Denmark Queen of Denmark
Matthew Festing Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller
Mohammed VI King
Nicolae Ceaușescu Romanian politician General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party
Nicolae Ceausescu Politician
Sandro Pertini President of Italy
Valéry Giscard D'Estaing
Walter Scheel German politician

Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword (0 years)

  • Inception: