Holley Medal Winners

People with Holley Medal


Name Title
Carl Edvard Johansson Swedish inventor and scientist who invented high-precision gauge blocks (he invented the first processes for making them and for using them)
Carl Norden American engineer
Charles Stark Draper University professor inventor
Chester Carlson American physicist
Edwin H. Land American scientist and inventor
Edwin Howard Armstrong American electrical engineer and inventor
Elmer Ambrose Sperry American mechanical engineer
Emmett Leith
Ernest Lawrence Physicist
Frederick Gardner Cottrell American chemist
Harold Eugene Edgerton American photography pioneer
Henry Ford (jazz) American musician
Irving Langmuir American scientist
Jack Kilby American physicist
James R. Thompson American politician
John Garand
John Vincent Atanasoff American computer pioneer
Juris Upatnieks United States physicist
Roy J. Plunkett United States organic chemist
Sanford Alexander Moss American aviation engineer
Sanford Lockwood Cluett U.S. businessman inventor of Sanforizing Clupak
Vannevar Bush Engineer
Walter A. Shewhart American statistician
William Shockley Physicist inventor
Wilson Greatbatch American engineer and inventor

Holley Medal (0 years)

  • Inception: