Home Awards Médaille militaire Médaille militaire Winners People with Médaille militaire Jean Gabin Douglas MacArthur Winston Churchill Henri Diamant-Berger Alvin C. York Josip Broz Tito People Name Title Adolphe Guillaumat French Army general in World War I Adolphe Niel Marshal of France Adolphe Pégoud French flying ace Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov French resistance member Ahmed Ben Bella Algerian footballer Aimable Pélissier French politician Albert Besson French physician and hygenist Albert d'Amade French General Aleksey Brusilov Alexander I of Yugoslavia Prince regent of Kingdom of Serbia and later King of Yugoslavia 1921–34 Alexander Papagos Greek politician and general Alphonse Joseph Georges French general Alphonse Juin Marshal of France Alphonse Van Hecke Alvin C. York United States Army Medal of Honor recipient André Déroulède André Herbelin World War I French Flying Ace André Maginot André-Gaston Prételat French general Anne Charles Lebrun Armand de Turenne World War I flying ace Armand Henri Jules Marie De Polignac Auguste Dubail French general Auguste Thiébaud Bernard de Lattre de Tassigny Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery Of Alamein Bernard Pierre Magnan Marshal of France Blaise Cendrars French writer Captain Claude François Abel Leon Buguet Charles Auguste Frossard French general Charles Borzecki French flying ace Charles De Breteuil Charles Mangin French general Charles Maurin French painter Charles Mordacq Charles Nungesser French flying ace and adventurer Charles Rigault de Genouilly French admiral Daniel Daly United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient Darius Paul Dassault French general David Pieyre De Mandiargues Dieudonné Costes French flying ace Douglas MacArthur American Field Marshal/General of the Army Edmond Pillon French flying ace Élie Frédéric Forey Marshal of France Étienne Bunau-Varilla Eugene Bullard American boxer Ferdinand Foch French soldier and military theorist Fernand Guyou François Achille Bazaine Marshal of France François Certain Canrobert Marshal of France « Previous Next » Médaille militaire (0 years) Inception: