Nobel Prize in Literature Winners

People with Nobel Prize in Literature


Name Title
Valery Larbaud French writer
Vasco Pratolini Italian writer
Veikko Antero Koskenniemi Finnish writer
Ventura García Calderón
Ventura López
Verner von Heidenstam Swedish writer
Vicente Aleixandre Writer
Vicente Huidobro Chilean poet
Víctor Manuel Rendón Ecuadorian writer doctor and diplomat
Vilhelm Ekelund Swedish writer
Vilhelm Moberg Swedish historian
Violet Clifton English writer
Vladimir Nabokov Russian-American novelist lepidopterist professor
W. H. Auden 20th century Anglo-American poet
Walter de la Mare English poet and fiction writer
Werner Bergengruen German writer
Wesley LaViolette American musician
Wilbur Cortez Abbott Historian
Wilhelm Röpke German economist
Willem Kloos Dutch writer
William Booth Founder of the Salvation Army
William Booth (priest)
William Butler Yeats Writer
William Chapman (doctor) British surgeon
William Dean Howells Novelist short story writer literary critic
William Faulkner Novelist short story writer
William Golding Novelist poet playwright and Nobel Prize laureate
William Heinesen Faroese writer
William Somerset Maugham
Winston Churchill English statesman and author best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Wisława Szymborska Polish essayist editor poet and Nobel laureate
Wole Soyinka Nigerian writer
Władysław Reymont Polish novelist
Yasunari Kawabata Japanese novelist and short story writer
Yórgos Theotokás Greek writer
Yukio Mishima Japanese novelist playwright poet short story writer essayist
Zalman Shneur Israeli poet

Nobel Prize in Literature (0 years)

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