Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners

People with Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine


Name Title
Abraham Jacobi American pediatrician
Adalbert Czerny Children's doctor
Adolf Butenandt german biochemist
Adolf Lorenz 123
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus German chemist
Adolfo Lutz Brazilian entomologist
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin physiologist and biophysicist
Albert Calmette French scientist
Albert Claude Cell biologist
Albert Hustin Belgian physician
Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser German physician
Albert Szent-Györgyi Hungarian biochemist
Albert von Kölliker Swiss anatomist physiologist
Albrecht Kossel German physiologist
Aldo Castellani Italian beacterilogist
Alexander A. Maximow Russian-American scientist
Alexander Fleming Scottish scientist known for the discovery of penicillin
Alexander Gurwitsch
Alexander S. Wiener US-American hematologist
Alexandre Besredka Ukrainian-French biologist
Alexandre Yersin Swiss physician
Alexis Carrel French surgeon and biologist
Alfred Blalock American surgeon
Alfred G. Gilman American phamacologist
Alfred Goldscheider German neurologist
Alfred Hershey American chemist
Alfred Kohn
Alfred Kühn German zoologist and geneticist
Allan McLeod Cormack American biophysicist
Allvar Gullstrand Swedish ophthalmologist
Almroth Wright British microbiologist and immunologist
Alphonse Dochez American physician
Amico Bignami Italian entomologist
Anatole Chauffard French internist
André Frédéric Cournand French physiologist
Andrew Conway Ivy American physician
Andrew Fire American biologist
Andrew Huxley physiologist and biophysicist
Andrew Schally Polish-American endocrinologist
Ángel Roffo ARgentine physician
Antoine Lacassagne
Arthur Felix Polish microbiologist
Arthur Looss German zoologist
Arthur Samuel Kendall Canadian politician
Arthur Stoll Swiss biochemist
Arthur Van Gehuchten anatomist
Arturo Rosenblueth Mexican physiologist
Arvid Carlsson Swedish neuroscientist
August Bier Surgeon
August Krogh Danish physiologist

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (0 years)

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