Home Awards Order of the Rue Crown Order of the Rue Crown Winners People with Order of the Rue Crown Joseph Radetzky von Radetz Ferdinand von Zeppelin Albert I of Belgium Bernhard von Bülow Frederick Augustus II of Saxony Nicholas I of Russia People Name Title Albert I of Belgium King of Belgium Alexander III Of Russia Emperor Of Russia Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov Anne Elisabeth Pierre De Montesquiou-Fezensac Bernhard von Bülow Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord French diplomat Eugène de Beauharnais Italian general Ferdinand von Zeppelin Airship commander Franz Joseph I of Austria Emperor of Austria King of Hungary Frederick Augustus II of Saxony Frederick Augustus III of Saxony King of Saxony Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich of Russia Russian grand duke Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich Of Russia Russian Grand Duke Jean-Baptiste De Nompère De Champagny John of Saxony German prince Joseph Radetzky von Radetz Austrian general Ludwig III of Bavaria King of Bavaria Max von Hausen German general Maximilian I of Mexico Emperor of Mexico Austrian archduke Nicholas I of Russia Emperor of Russia Prince Adalbert Of Prussia Prince Adalbert Of Prussia Prince Maximilian of Baden Chancellor of Germany Prince Wilhelm Karl, Duke Of Urach Pyotr Andreyevich Shuvalov Russian diplomat Wilhelm II German Emperor And King Of Prussia Order of the Rue Crown (0 years) Inception: