Prix Médicis essai Winners

People with Prix Médicis essai


Name Title
Alain Etchegoyen French philosopher and writer
Alberto Manguel Canadian writer
David Van Reybrouck Cultural historian
Diane De Margerie
Edwy Plenel Journalist
Georges Borgeaud
Jacques Henric
Jérôme Garcin
Joan Didion American writer
Julian Barnes English writer
Luc Ferry
Marie Desplechin French writer
Michel Onfray French philosopher
Michel Pastoureau French art historian
Michel Serres French philosopher
Michel Winock French historian
Pascal Bruckner French writer
René Girard French historian and philosopher
Svetlana Alexievich Belarusian investigative journalist
Sylvain Tesson French writer
Viviane Forrester French writer

Prix Médicis essai (0 years)

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