Purple Heart Winners

People with Purple Heart


Name Title
John William Finn United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Johnnie David Hutchins United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Johnny Grodzicki American baseball player and coach
Jon Burge Military Veteran Police officer charged with misconduct
Jon E. Swanson United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Jon R. Cavaiani United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Jon R. Thomas Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Jonah Edward Kelley United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Jonas H. Ingram United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient American football player and coach college athletics administrator
Jorge Otero Barreto Recipient of the U.S. military Silver Star medal
Jose F. Jimenez United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Jose F. Valdez United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Jose Rodela Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph A. Farinholt Soldier in the United States Army
Joseph A. Redding United States Army general
Joseph Beyrle Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Joseph C. Rodriguez United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph F. Holt US Congressman
Joseph F. Weis, Jr. United States federal judge
Joseph H. Thompson United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph Iannuzzi Recipient of the Purple Heart (2)
Joseph Kittinger American military pilot
Joseph L. Ullman American mathematician
Joseph P. Vigorito Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Joseph R. Jelinek United States Army General
Joseph R. Ouellette United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph Sarnoski U.S. Army Air aviator who received the Medal of Honor posthumously.
Joseph Vittori United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph W. Dailey 5th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
Joseph W. Ozbourn United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Joseph Wapner Television judge recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Joseph Warren Stilwell, Jr. Vietnam War United States Army Special Forces general
Joshua Sparling Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Joyce Kilmer American poet editor literary critic soldier
Juan M. Escobar Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Juan Negrón Puerto Rican Medal of Honor recipient
Julian Cunningham Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Julian Ewell United States Army General
Julius Ellsberry American soldier in World War II
Julius Ochs Adler United States Army general
Julius W. Becton, Jr. Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Julius W. Gates Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Junior D. Edwards Korean War Medal of Honor recipient
Justice M. Chambers United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Kaoru Moto United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Karl W. Richter Recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Keith L. Ware United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Kenneth D. Bailey United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Kenneth D. Bailey (sociologist) American sociologist

Purple Heart (0 years)

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