Home Awards Royal Order of the Seraphim Royal Order of the Seraphim Winners People with Royal Order of the Seraphim João Figueiredo Nelson Mandela Abdullah II of Jordan Lennart Meri Hirohito Benito Mussolini People Name Title Abdul Hamid II 34th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire Abdul Reza Pahlavi Abdullah Gül 11th President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah II King Abdullah II of Jordan Jordanian head of state Adam Wilhelm Moltke Danish politiican Adolf Frederick Of Sweden Adolf Fredrik Munck Adolf Schärf President of Austria Adolphe Niel Marshal of France Agenor Maria Gołuchowski Austrian statesman Albert Ehrensvärd The Elder Albert François Lebrun President of France Albert I of Belgium King of Belgium Albert II of Belgium Belgian monarch Albrecht Elof Ihre Swedish diplomat Alexander Gorchakov Russian diplomat Alexander I of Russia Emperor of Russia Alexander III Of Russia Emperor Of Russia Alexander Izvolsky Russian diplomat Alexandre Millerand President of France Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov Alfonso XII of Spain King of Spain Alfonso XIII of Spain King of Spain Algirdas Brazauskas Lithuanian politician Amha Selassie Ethiopian Emperor Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrand Swedish noble and general Anders Johan von Höpken Swedish politician Aníbal Cavaco Silva President of Portugal Arthur Thomson (fanzines) British artist and writer Arvid Lindman Swedish politician Arvid Posse Prime Minister of Sweden 1880 to 1883 Augustin Ehrensvärd Swedish Field Marshal Axel Gustav Adlercreutz Prime Minister of Sweden Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp Swedish politician Axel Rappe Swedish politician Axel von Fersen the Elder lantmarskalk or marshal of the diet Axel von Fersen the Younger Swedish politician Baltzar Von Platen Baudouin I Of Belgium Benito Mussolini Prime-Minister and fascist dictator of Italy Bernhard von Beskow Swedish dramatist and historian Bernhard von Bülow Bhumibol Adulyadej King of Thailand Bo Hammarskjöld Bronisław Komorowski Polish politician Bror Cederström Swedish general and Defence minister Carl Axel Trolle-Wachtmeister Carl Björnstjerna Equestrian Carl Carlsson Mörner Swedish politician and noble « Previous Next » Royal Order of the Seraphim (0 years) Inception: