W.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship award Winners

People with W.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship award


Name Title
Charles Tilly American sociologist
Charles V. Willie American prfoessor of Education
Daniel Bell American sociologist
Dorothy E. Smith Canadian anthropologist
Edward Shils American sociologist
George C. Homans American sociologist
Gerhard Lenski American sociologist
Harrison White American sociologist
Herbert Blumer American sociologist player of American football
Herbert J. Gans American sociologist
Howard S. Becker American sociologist
Jessie Bernard Sociologist and feminist scholar
Joan Acker Feminist sociologist
Kingsley Davis American demographer
Leo Goodman American statistician
Lewis A. Coser American sociologist
Mirra Komarovsky American sociologist
Morris Janowitz American philosopher
Patricia Hill Collins American philosopher
Peter Blau American sociologist
Reinhard Bendix German-American sociologist
Robert K. Merton American sociologist
Seymour Martin Lipset American sociologist
Wilbert E. Moore American sociologist
William A. Gamson American sociologist
William Foote Whyte American sociologist
William H. Sewell American sociologist
William Julius Wilson American sociologist

W.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship award (0 years)

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