Grant Woods, 70
Arizona attorney general; one of the top trial lawyers in the United States member of International Academy of Trial Lawyers; received multiple record verdicts for Arizona and the United States; voted by peers top attorney general in the country in 1994; led Civil Rights committee and Supreme Court committee for National Association of Attorneys General; first Republican to sue tobacco companies and key negotiator of the states' settlement which is the largest in history; founder of Mesa Boys and Girls Club renamed as Grant Woods Boys and Girls Club; founder of Mesa Education Association; founder of Mesa Arts Academy; one of founders of Phoenix Children's Museum; screenwriter; columnist; songwriter; AP talk radio host of the year for the Grant Woods Show. Winner of top awards from Children's Action Alliance Chicanos Por La Causa Salvation Army American Lung Association American Heart Association. Married to former Fox News anchor Marlene Galan Woods; children: Austin Lauren Cole Dyla