1812. Ballad of the Uhlans (1812. Уланская баллада) 11 years old

The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...


1812. Ballad of the Uhlans Cast

Name Character
Boris Klyuev He was 68, now 80 years old as Telyatev
Stanislav Duzhnikov He was 39, now 51 years old as Unter Ptukha
Anna Chipovskaya She was 25, now 37 years old as Panna Beata
Olga Kabo She was 44, now 56 years old as Pani Marta
Sergei Bezrukov He was 39, now 50 years old as Poruchik Gorzhevskiy
Anatoliy Belyy He was 40, now 52 years old as Knyaz Kiknadze
Vladimir Gostyukhin He was 66, now 78 years old as Otets Tarusova
Valeriy Nikolaev He was 47, now 59 years old as Graf de Vitt
Anton Sokolov He was 30, now 42 years old as Aleksey Tarusov
Gediminas Adomaitis He was 35, now 47 years old as Arman de Kolenkur

1812. Ballad of the Uhlans Crew

Name Department
Oleg Fesenko as Director. Directing
Gleb Shprigov as Producer. Production
Gleb Shprigov as Writer. Writing
1812. Ballad of the Uhlans poster
1812. Ballad of the Uhlans (11 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Runtime: 96 minutes
  • Budget: 15000000.00