Tobio Kurosawa (Ryuta Sato), who has been part of a manzai (stand up comedy) duo for ten years, finds himself in trouble after his partner Tamotsu Ishii (Yuji Ayabe) quits due to their declining popularity and mounting debts. Tobio then attempts to drink his problems away, but the next morning finds himself locked up in a detention center. At the detention center Tobio meets tough dreadlocked Ryuhei Onizuka (Yusuke Kamiji) who has an uncanny knack for comedy. Tobio attempts to recruit Ryuhei to become a partner in a new comedy duo. Once on the outside, they start practicing ...
Slapstick Brothers Cast
Name |
Character |
Nobuaki Kaneko
He was 29, now 43 years old
Satomi Ishihara
She was 24, now 38 years old
as Yumiko Miyazaki |
Hirofumi Arai
He was 32, now 46 years old
as Shirokawa |
Ryuta Sato
He was 31, now 44 years old
as Tobio Kurosawa |
Takashi Sasano
He was 62, now 76 years old
Hiroki Narimiya
He was 28, now 42 years old
Daisuke Miyagawa
He was 38, now 52 years old
as Kanai |
Yuji Ayabe
He was 33, now 47 years old
as Tamotsu Ishii |
Yusuke Kamiji
He was 31, now 45 years old
as Ryuhei Onizuka |
He was 1126, 45 years old when he died
as Iwasaki |
Jun'ichi Kômoto
Slapstick Brothers Crew