15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
Akai bunka jutaku no hatsuko Cast
Name |
Character |
Miyoko Asada
She was 51, now 68 years old
as Eiko |
Shoichi Honda
Sawa Suzuki
She was 34, now 52 years old
as Hatsuko's mother |
Maki Sakai
She was 36, now 54 years old
as Tajiri |
Ren Osugi
He was 55, 66 years old when he died
as Hatsuko's father |
Shun Shioya
He was 24, now 42 years old
as Katsuhito |
Taro Suwa
He was 52, now 70 years old
as Fujii |
Tamae Andô
She was 30, now 48 years old
Kazuma Sano
He was 18, now 35 years old
as Mishima |
Keiichi Suzuki
He was 55, now 73 years old
as Owner of Ramen Shop |
Mirei Kiritani
She was 17, now 35 years old
as Yamaguchi |
Noriko Eguchi
She was 27, now 44 years old
as Misaki |
Akai bunka jutaku no hatsuko Crew