A Little Fellow from Gambo: The Joey Smallwood Story 54 years old

This feature-length documentary paints a lively portrait of Father of Confederation and first premier of Newfoundland Joseph Roberts Smallwood, or "Joey," as he is known to most Canadians. Following one of Canada’s most colourful political figures during a two-and-a-half-month period that included a stormy Liberal leadership convention, the film reveals a man misunderstood even by his close associates.


A Little Fellow from Gambo: The Joey Smallwood Story Cast

Name Character
Budd Knapp He was 17, 29 years old when he died as Himself

A Little Fellow from Gambo: The Joey Smallwood Story Crew

Name Department
Julian Biggs as Director. He was 49 (51) years old when He died Directing
A Little Fellow from Gambo: The Joey Smallwood Story (54 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, January 01, 1970
  • Runtime: 56 minutes